Chapter Five - Breakfast

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You woke up to someone shifting you, disrupting your sleep. You turned over, blearily opening your eyes and seeing Jin rummaging through the closet in the corner of the room. Your ears flapped down on your head, a whine tearing itself from your throat. Jin started, spinning around and giving you a sad smile when he saw your frown.

" 'M sorry I woke you up Y/N, I didn't mean to. Go back to sleep, it's pretty early."

You shook your head, sitting up in the bed and rubbing at your eyes. You stumbled out of the bed, seeing that Yoongi was curled up on the top buck, blissfully asleep. You turned back to Jin, traipsing over to him and wrapping your arms around his waist. You dug your face into his back, purring, and he shivered, the vibrations coming from your purrs sending chills up his spine.

He finally found his uniform, a button up shirt and dress pants paired with a deep brown apron. He reluctantly took your arms, unwrapping them from his waist and lacing his fingers in yours. He lead you over to the bed again, pointing at the top bunk.

"You can go snuggle with him, he'd he happy to do it. He likes to be warm, so bring up the blanket from my bed, go back to bed. It's really really early, it's barely six in the morning. Sleep good, I'll be home a little after five. I'm making breakfast for the both of you, but I'll leave it on the stove, covered, so that it's still hot when you two wake up for good. I want you to sleep longer, but don't let Yoongi sleep until past noon. He needs to be up before then. Have a good day, and if you want some coffee or hot chocolate, have Yoongi bring you to my cafe, you can visit me at work and I can get you free drinks." Jin finished rambling, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead and freezing slightly a moment later, a blush coating his cheeks when he realized what he'd done.

You only smiled, telling him to have a good day at work and climbing the ladder to the second bunk, grabbing the blanket on your way up. You slid in beside Yoongi, scooting him over slightly in the small bed and curling up beside him.

He grunted, rolling over to face you and smooshing his cheek up against the pillow. His mouth hung slightly open and little breaths hit your neck as you cuddled up to him. He didn't wake as you settled in, only rolling closer into you and nestling his face in your neck. 

You let yourself fall asleep again, hearing Jin making breakfast. You smelled some kind of meat, probably bacon or sausage, and what smelled like the french toast that Namjoon used to bring you on Sunday mornings. 


Yoongi woke up to a weight on his chest, blinking his eyes open to see a pair of cat ears in his face. It took him a moment of thinking to remember that Jin had adopted you from the hybrid shelter, then a smile broke out on his face that he tried to stifle. He reached for one of your ears, stroking through the soft fur on it and breathing out a laugh when a purr revved to life in your chest. Your tail came to unconsciously wrap around his wrist, but his stomach grumbled loudly and it made your ears flick. 

He held his breath as you turned your head to face him, eyes lazily opening and widening before you realized where you were.

"Morning. Funny enough, I don't remember going to sleep like this last night." He grinned at you, pinching your cheeks and laughing as you blushed. 

"Alright, well, I'm hungry, I dunno about you. Let's go and get something to eat." Yoongi sat up, pulling you with him and backed down the ladder. 

You followed behind him as he trudged to the kitchen, wrapping Jin's blanket around your shoulders and lightly inhaling Jin's scent off of it. 

Yoongi grabbed two plates down from the cabinet, uncovering a pan of both bacon and sausage, then another of a stack of french toast, plating them and handing one to you.

"Come on, we can eat in front of the tv."

You once again trailed after him, sitting beside him on the couch and digging into the breakfast that Jin had prepared. You laughed along to whatever sitcom Yoongi had decided on, placing your empty plate on the table and curling up, knees to your chest on the couch under the blanket.

Yoongi yawned from beside you, slumping back on the couch cushions and closing his eyes.

"Heyyy, wake up! Jin said not to let you sleep late, he said we could visit him at work! Please please please, come on Yoongi!" You shook his shoulder, eliciting a groan from the sleepy man.

"At least let me sleep until noon."

"No! Jin told me to get you up before noon. Come on, let's just go now!"

Yoongi opened his eyes, glancing down at the clock, "Y/N, it's only nine-thirty. He has until five, we have until five to go see him. Let's just go back to sleep for a little bit come on."

You huffed, shaking your head and scooting away from him on the couch. 

Yoongi groaned, "Fine, let's go at around noon though. We can get lunch there, Jin can take his lunch break while we're there and we can eat their food, we'll get it for free."

"Okay! Thank you Yoongi!" You beamed, curling up beside him again. You watched tv until eleven, the last possible moment that you let Yoongi get away with being lazy.

"Come on, show me where the shower is, I wanna get ready before going! I can't be all gross, and neither can you. Let's go, let's get ready." You dragged him off of the couch, thanking him when he showed you to the bathroom, hopping into the shower and anticipating what visiting Jin at work would be like.

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