Chapter Seven - Coffee

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After the rude customer had left you'd finished your lunch, satisfied with the tuna sandwich that you'd wolfed down. The three of you were able to sit comfortable for a few minutes, small bouts of conversation flowing every few minutes. You were just about to ask when Seokjin had to get back to work when a timer went off of his phone, eliciting a groan from the man as he buried his face in his hands.

"That's my timer, I need to go back and work now. Thanks for coming to visit me Y/N, I'm glad you liked your food."

You nodded, smiling adoringly at Seokjin, "Thank you for letting me come visit you! And thanks for the sandwich, what time did you say you're off of work tonight?"

"Well, I said five, but when I got in this morning my coworker Jungkook said that he was taking the night off, and the end of his shift fell onto my shoulders. So, I'll be home at around nine."

Your eyes widened, "Nine? At night? That's so late!"

"I know, I'm sorry Y/N. I wish I didn't have to work that late but-"

"Why don't I just leave them here with you?" Yoongi stood, tossing his empty drink in the garbage.

"Seokjin contemplated that for a moment, "That's not a bad idea. I could use the extra help, and you can just come home with me after work! Does that sound okay, or would you rather go back home with Yoongi?"

You bit your lip, looking around at the cafe. The seats were plush and comfortable, and the heater made it so that you wouldn't be cold. 

"Y/N, I won't be offended if you don't want to come back with me, that just means I get to sleep more." Yoongi grinned, hastily swatting at your hands when you pinched his side.

"Okay then, I'll stay here. Are you sure you won't mind having me here?" Your eyes held a sliver of doubt and Seokjin cooed, grabbing your hand.

"Not at all! You can either help us behind the counter or curl up in one of the chairs, whatever you want to do!" 

You nodded, "I can help! What do you need me to do?"

"You can help me take orders, and then I'll show you how to make a few drinks!" Seokjin held up a finger, ducking into the back and yelling to Hoseok about getting you another apron. One was thrown in Jin's direction and the man scoffed, shooting back at Hoseok how he could have at least handed it to him, how disrespectful.

You let Seokjin slip the apron over your head biting back a smile when he took extra care to avoid your fluffy ears. He grabbed a hairnet and slid it over your head, tucking the whisps of your hair inside the mesh netting.

"Okay, do you want a hat? I don't want it to crush your ears or anything."

"No thank you, I don't want to hurt them." Your hands came up to unconsciously hover over your ears, remembering the few times in your life when you'd had to cover them and how awful it had felt having them trapped. 

"Alright, that's fine. The hairnet should be enough. Are you ready to start?"

You nodded, bidding goodbye to Yoongi who took the drink that Hoseok gave him, a refill of his last one, then left to go back to the apartment. You could practically see him getting into bed again.

Seokjin took your hand, leading you behind the counter and to the register. He let you stand beside him, rambling on and on about what each abbreviation meant in each box on the cup. You watched his gestures intently, leaning your head on his arm as he went on. He finally finished speaking, looking down to see your head nestled perfectly snug on his arm. He grinned, moving his arm to wrap around your waist as a customer approached the counter.

Seokjin let you hold the marker, keeping the cup in his grip as he instructed you on what letters to put where. You trailed after him to a big machine, watching as he poured certain ingredients into different parts of the machine. He finally pressed a button, queuing a loud whirring sound as the machine ground the ice that was inside. You gasped, involuntarily grabbing his arm when the noise began.

Seokjin grinned, sliding his arm out of your grip and grabbing your hand in his instead. You smiled, though it fell when he let your hand go to grab the mixture from the machine. Seokjin finished off the drink on the other side of the counter, adding a swirl of whipped cream on the top. He handed you a lid, letting you put it on the top and hand it to the customer. 

The customer smiled, "You two are really cute together!"

You blushed, mumbling a small thank you as Seokjin grinned, doing the same. She left with her drink, leaving you and Seokjin standing at the counter together. You opened your mouth to say something but before you could there was a crash from behind you, from inside the back room. Seokjin excused himself, running back into the other room to see what Hoseok had knocked over. You were left standing alone at the counter when someone approached, a boy around your age wearing a similar apron.

"Um, hello. Who... Who are you?" His eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out why there was a new staff member behind the counter.

"I'm Y/N. I'm here with Seokjin, just here for the day. Who are you?"

"Oh. I'm Jungkook."

You nodded, remembering Seokjin mentioning him before. So this was why Seokjin couldn't come home on time. You'd remember this.

"Excuse me?" You heard a soft voice from the counter, meeting eyes with a customer smiling shyly at you. You walked over to where she was standing, panicking as you realized that she wanted to order. You had no idea how to make a drink.

"Are you ready to order, ma'am?" Jungkook came up behind you, gently nudging you out of the way of the register so that he could use it. Seokjin hadn't instructed you on how to use it, so you peered curiously over Jungkook's shoulder as he pressed buttons each time the customer added to their order.

"Do you want to learn how to use it?" You clearly weren't being as discreet as you'd hoped, cheeks blazing as you nodded shyly.

"Okay, well each item on the menu and customization that goes with it has a button, so depending on what each customer orders, you press different buttons. So for her order, I have this down."

Jungkook pointed at the list of items being totaled on the side of the screen, explaining each one and apologizing sheepishly to the customer because her coffee was taking so long. She waved it off, smiling kindly at you as you learned.

You couldn't see the screen very well around Jungkook so you stood on your tip-toes, resting your chin on his shoulder. He turned his head slightly to the side, breath catching slightly in his throat before he continued, voice slightly strained. Just as he finished explaining the computer system you heard footsteps behind you, standing normally again and turning to see Seokjin standing in the doorway, expression unreadable.

"Oh, Jungkook, you're here. Well, Hoseok needs help cleaning up in the back, I can take the orders."

"Oh. Okay." Jungkook rushed off to the back room, head down as he did so. Seokjin came up beside you, asking the customer to repeat her order and making sure that everything had been added. The customer was finally on her way, wishing you good luck with 'your new job'. A small smile lingered on your lips from the kind customers you were meeting but Seokjin was anything but cheery, frown tugging at his lips and arms crossed over his chest.

"Seokjin? Are you okay?" You started towards him, cocking your head to the side slightly in confusion.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit of a stomachache. Probably from lunch, nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?" You trailed off, knowing that Seokjin's stomach was not the issue here.

"Yeah. Here, get ready to take another order." Before you could say anything another customer was approaching the counter, giving Seokjin their order with a smile and leaving you standing alone behind the counter, anxiety clawing at your chest.

(what an uplifting chapter, right? I hope you all enjoyed, I'm sorry it's taken me this long to update agndkfafjndajfk)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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