Chapter Six - Cafe

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You stepped out of the shower all fresh and clean, smelling like the body wash that Yoongi had instructed you to use. You could tell it was Jin's and you were more than ecstatic to have his scent all over you. You dried off in a big fluffy towel, burrowing yourself into the fabric and rubbing your face and ears over the soft material.

You got dressed in a spare outfit you'd had at the shelter, being the owner's favorite had it's perks. A pair of high-waisted jeans and a fuzzy grey sweater, hair pulled back so that it wasn't getting into your ears. You brushed it out and clipped it back, checking to make sure that you looked good enough before leaving. You didn't wanna show up to Jin's work in just any old outfit, now did you?

You slid on your shoes, making your way down the hallway to the bedroom and sighing when you saw Yoongi back asleep in his bed. You climbed up the ladder, poking him in the sides roughly and pushing your bottom lip out in a pout when he finally opened his eyes. 

"You said you'd take me to see Jin."

"It's not noon yet."

You looked over at the clock in the other corner of the room, "It's eleven fifty."

Yoongi groaned, sitting up in the bed with the covers still bunched around his waist and rubbed his eyes.

"Fine. Move, lemme get in the shower."

You complied, scrambling down from the top bunk and into the lower one, wrapping yourself in the covers. You breathed in Jin's scent, looking around the room in curiosity while Yoongi got ready. Finally, after too long in your opinion, he was done showering, beckoning you out into the living room. He got his keys, pulling on his shoes and lacing them tightly.

"You ready?"

You nodded, smiling at him, "Let's go!"

He lead you out to his (very expensive looking) car, that you were almost afraid to sit in for fear of ruining how nice it looked. But he ushered you in, turning the key and driving down the road to a small cafe. You walked inside, ears twitching at the sound of the bell ringing as you walked in.

"Hello Yoongi, how may I help you? Jin's on break right now, do you want me to get him for you?" It was a grinning man behind the counter, smile nearly blinding you as he looked between you and Yoongi.

"Sure, thanks Hoseok. And this is Y/N, by the way. Jin's new hybrid. They're a cat hybrid, if you couldn't tell."

The man behind the counter, Hoseok, as Yoongi had called him, squealed, holding out a hand for you to shake eagerly.

"Hi! I'm Hoseok! I'm really glad that Jin adopted you, you already seem so sweet!" 

You took his hand, grinning at him and thanking him. Hoseok rushed off into the back room and you heard a muffled, 'Jin! Why didn't you tell me you got a hybrid?!' before Jin's face peeked out from around the doorframe, eyes locking onto you. He beamed, rushing to exit the counter space and give you a hug.

"Hi Y/N! I'm so glad you wanted to come here today, I was looking forward to it all day!"

You smiled, rubbing your cheeks and ears on his apron-clad chest as he hugged you.

"What do you guys want for lunch?"

Yoongi gestured to trays of display sandwiches behind the counter, "How about some sandwiches?"

"Sure, what kind? I can take my lunch now and eat with you guys."

"Jin?" Your voice was soft and timid as you tugged on his sleeve.

"Yes Y/N?"

"Do you have tuna sandwiches?"

Jin laughed, nodding at your question and smiling at how your eyes lit up at the mention of the yummy fish.

"Those are my favorite! Joonie used to make them for me all the time! Thank you Jin!"

He took Yoongi's order as well, bustling behind the counter once more and preparing lunches for the three of you. He claimed a small table in the corner, setting your plate down and stroking over your ears before he sat down himself. Jin smelled like coffee, you noticed as he sat down, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was somewhat bitter but with enough sweetness to balance itself out.

You dug into your sandwich, ears flicking and a purr escaping as you swallowed the tuna. You ate fast, trying a sip of Jin's coffee when he asked if you wanted any. You'd stuck with water, you didn't wanna be too adventurous.

"So, Y/N, how about we go shopping later today? Get you the stuff that you need? Maybe some more clothes and probably some toiletries?" Jin spoke through a bite of sandwich and it took you a moment to figure out what he was trying to say.

"Oh! That sounds fun, thank you Jin!"

"Okay, perfect. Well I get off at five, so we can go then-" 

Jin was cut off when a customer approached the table, an elderly man with furrowed brows who frowned at you. You curled in on yourself a little, feeling uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

"Do you need something sir?" Jin's voice was almost sickly sweet as he smiled painfully at the man.

"Is that a hybrid?"

"Yes, Y/N is a cat hybrid. And if you have a problem with that, the door is over there." Jin pointed to the door of the shop, plastering a fake smile on his face.

"Of course I have a problem with that! It's an animal! I don't want to eat in a place where animals have been. I'm leaving, you'll no longer receive any service from me."

The man turned, stalking out the door and Yoongi grabbed Jin's arm before he could jump up to beat the man up.

"Just leave it. Y/N, ignore people like that. Jin was clearly more than happy to kick him out, and if anyone ever bothers you like that again, tell either one of us, we'll be happy to help."

Some of the hurt in your chest was loosened as you nodded, shooting a sad smile at the both of them.

"Thanks guys."

Ragdoll - Kim Seokjin x Hybrid!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now