Help me. Please.

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Hello my babies! I hope your day is going/did go, absolutely amazing! If not... this might not be the chapter for you, because...

Peters POV

It happened again. I swore it wouldn't happen but I just-It just happened.
So now here I am, a small razor blade in my right hand and a multitude of angry red cuts overlapping old scars on my left arm.

I'd had another panic attack, it was bad. I relapsed. Hard. I need to talk to someone, I can't do this, I hate this. I want to get better but-how? I don't know what to do.

Tony. I need to talk to Tony.

I get up and slowly make my way to the door, stumbling slightly from the blood loss. Opening the door I make my way down to the lab, slowly as to not injure myself more. Once I make it to the lab I put in my password and the door opens. I somewhat clumsily walked into the room seeing Tony at the far corner doing some touch up work on his new suit.

"T-Tony." I mumble as loudly as possible, though he doesn't seem to notice. I try to say his name louder but it just come out a soft squeak.

Dum-e sees me and does his best to get Tony's attention. It works, he turns around to see me standing in the middle of the room. Most likely looking absolutely horrible.

"Help me. Please."

Tony rushes to catch me as I lose feeling in my legs and collapse.

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