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everything feels hazy in a way,

my thoughts and feelings

don't feel real

if that makes any sense.

if i'm going to try and describe it then,

it sort of feels like,

playing your favourite song

on a phonograph,

over and over and over,

the song will start out sounding


there's nothing like it

and you hope it never ends,

But when it does

you play it again

and again and again and again and again.

except with time you play it

it starts to sound less whimsical,

and after a while

the sounds become so distorted

that you only have a memory

of what it once sounded like,

you start to wonder

where you went wrong

and if you can fix it,

but it's done

and all you can do is,

find a new song

and hope that it sounds

just as sweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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