Prequel Bonus: Birth of Eashiqa

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In order to not embarrass myself, all underlined words are another language, cause I really don't want to mess up with google translate. What language it is well be mentioned.


Third Person

The League of Assassins had many skilled killers, hundreds who could go unnoticed in society, one of which was Avery Lance.

Nyssa had rescued her and her sister from purgatory, nursing them back to health and eventually training them.

While her sister was named almost immediately, Avery had yet to earn her name.

"Again" Nyssa commanded. Avery swung her sword, narrowly missing another student of Nyssa's.

Ra's Al Ghul stepped into the room and everyone immediately froze and turned to him. Avery twirled her sword before aiming for the floor and kneeling like her fellow assassins.

"Avery" Ra's motioned for the blonde to stand. "Come with me"

Avery looked back at Nyssa who nodded. Avery stood and followed the Demon head through the halls. "Have I done something wrong?" Avery asked in Arabic.

"No, I simply wanted to speak with you about Oliver Queen," Ra's said, they walked to a balcony that overlooked the fields where the children were taking lessons in history.

"What about him?" Avery asked, stepping into the balcony with her senior mentor.

"What was he to you?" Ra's changed the language to Chinese to keep her on her feet.

"My secret beloved" Avery replied in French.

"You were his concubine? Am I correct?" Ra's asked in Japanese.

"Yes, he was with my elder sister Laurel, But was with me in secret," Avery said in Spanish.

"The mission I am going to send you on" Ra's went to English, turning to the blonde. "You will be tested, majorly"

"What is the mission?" Avery asked.

"You must return to Starling City to kill a former assassin who has attempted to kill my daughter," Ra's said. "You can either reveal yourself to your family and face the consequences of abandoning your position or you can complete the mission and see him again"

"Oliver?" Avery asked, shocked. "He's... he's alive?"

"Yes, but he's facing his own training in Hong Kong, you will visit him there if you complete this mission" Ra's turned to leave her. "Chose wisely"


Avery looked over the SCPD precinct, watching for her father, when he arrived she couldn't help but smile. "Avery?" Sara asked, taking a place next to her sister. "Are you going to reveal yourself?"

"No," Avery said, her smile faltering. "I can't"

"Than why are we here?" Sara asked, looking around.

"I just wanted to make sure they're okay" Avery sighed.

"They?" Sara asked. Avery lifted her arm and pointed at the tall, slender blonde making her way up the steps to the precinct and kissing Quentin's cheek. Laurel had changed in the past 2 years.

"Oh," Sara sighed. "Laurel"

"She's a lawyer, working for a non-profit in the glades," Avery said. "For a year, she only referred to me as the Mistress"

"How cold," Sara said.

"She deserves to call me worse," Avery said. "Come on, we gotta get the job done"


"Please" the man begged, "I meant no harm!"

"You meant harm when you attempted to kill Talia Al Ghul" Avery gritted her teeth.

"Talia abandoned the league!" The man cried.

"She's still an Al Ghul," Sara said, pulling his sword out from its hiding place in a wooden television stand.

"Can't you just take me to Ra's? I'll explain everything" the man attempted to negotiate his life.

"No explanation needed," Avery said, taking the sword from her sister, she balanced the blade on the fingers before aiming the man's heart and stating in Arabic: "You attempt to take the life of a Ra's daughter, your life is taken by us"

The sword went through his chest, blood began to fall from his mouth, and soon enough he was dead.


Avery watched as the police surrounded the man's house, keeping her eye on her father as he questioned neighbours. "I just can't believe he would take his own life" a woman sighed, "He was always alone, but also a happy man"

"Not many like revealing their pain" Quentin sighed. "Did he have any family?"

"An estranged wife and an adopted sister," the woman said, "Neither visited him"

"Avery" one of the assassins stationed in Starling called out and Avery had to duck when her father looked back.

"Shut up" Avery whispered. The assassin shut his mouth and ducked with her.

"The boat leaves in 2 hours, you have to get going" he whispered.

"I'll be their soon," Avery said. "I just want to know how they are"

"Very well" The assassin nodded, "You better not be late"

Avery peeked over and saw Quentin had gone back to questioning the neighbours. "I love you, dad"


Avery leaned on the chair, flipping through the pages 'Little Women', waiting for her old beloved to wake up. When he did, he jumped around, trying to figure out where he was when he looked at the blonde.

"My mother liked to say we were the March Family," Avery said, looking up. "Dad was always busy with being a detective, mom accepted everyone and cared for them all, and we were the sisters that couldn't bear each other"

"Avery?" Oliver asked, shocked.

"You know who you were? Theodore Laurence" Avery ignored his confusion. "You were our Laurie"

"I thought you were dead" Oliver walked towards her.

"So did I," Avery said, closing the book and standing up. "I can't stay long, I have to get back before they begin to believe I'm abandoning my position"

"Position? Where? What happened to you?" Oliver asked.

"Oh, Oliver" Avery sighed, reaching for his cheek and smiling. "You'll know one day"

"Don't leave me" Oliver begged, leaning down and kissing the youngest Lance. Avery kissed back but pulled away after a few minutes.

"I can't stay, Ollie" She whispered, "But know I'm always here if you need, just call me on this"

Avery handed him a burner phone and reached for her book, "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I have stuff to finish," Avery said, "Stay safe Oliver"

"Be careful, little bird"


Avery returned to Nanda Parbat, greeted by Nyssa and Ra's. "We have named you" Ra's proclaimed, earning a small smile from Sara who looked at her sister.

"Your sister technically named you," Nyssa said. Avery looked at Sara but was interrupted by Nyssa. "No, Laurel"

"Laurel?" Avery turned back to the Al Ghuls.

"Avery Quinta Lance, you've been named Al Eashiqa" Ra's stated. The Mistress.

"Al Eashiqa" Avery echoed, smiling a little. "I like it"

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