Chapter Four

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Waking up, shocked that the car didn't land upside down. I look to my side and Nicholas is knocked out with his head tilted to the left and Fredrick is nowhere to be found. Slowly rising, my wounds begin healing, I nudge Nicholas, but he doesn't wake up. "Fredrick?" I call out.

"Oh, look she's up." A strange grungy voice says. I quickly begin to try and unbuckle my seat but it's jammed in. I grab it again and use my strength to break it off, but tough hands wrap around my shoulders and I am slung out the car, hitting the rocky ground. Rage goes through me and as I get up my hands are brought to the man that is lifting me up; he looks way older than me, his black eyes is staring back at me, slightly gray hair, and he's also super tall. "My you have done some growing." He smiles in astonishment.

How does he know me?  I think to myself. Ted, Mitchell, and Lucifer were the only ones who knew me when I was young. Everybody knew who I was in Hell, just Lucifer's Lieutenant, but they never knew my past. Breaking me from my thoughts he turns me around, putting my hands behind my back and tying them with a rope super tight. 

"How do you know me?" I ask, trying to stall to see if I can find Fredrick anywhere.

He quickly turns me back around, then looks behind me and frowns, "I looked after you when you were a baby." He responds.

"What?" I say loud enough to make him look back at me and I maintain my stare into his black eyes.

"Complicated history that you will soon understand when you see our leader." He explains, further. Leader?  Does he mean Lucifer? This is complicated history since he looked after me when I was a baby. I need to get out of here fast, I begin to focus on the rope and try to burn it with my hands after a while my side begins to hut and my fire dies down. What the hell is going on?

"Dammit!" A loud voice yells; his voice sounds like the man who tied me up. I look over at the car which is now crumpled up and basically scrap and they're twins.

"What is it Greg?" The man in front of me asks, keeping his focus on me.

"The driver. He's gone." Greg says angrily and slams the door shut. Nicholas being gone is a good sign, so I try to make a distraction, I back up a few steps and twist my body to kick the man in front of me. He stumbles backwards and has an angry look on his face and he charges towards me, but I move to the side and throw my leg up, so it could hit him in his torso. He threw his hand up and sent an electric shock through my body, causing me to fall to the ground. "Elliot, stop playing with the girl and help me find the driver." Greg demands going to the truck that hit us; Elliot raises me by my throat and slings me against the car, hitting my head hard.

I cannot see anything because the truck's lights are shining right in my face and I try to wiggle my hand free from the ropes until someone grabs my hands. They're soft against mine and feel like Nicholas' when he touched my face when I passed out earlier. As I gasp Elliot stares back at me and I take a quick glance beside the truck to trick him into going that way. 

Nicholas cuts the rope free from my hands; I quickly slide down on my stomach and I was right it is Nicholas. Blood's running down from his head and his shirt contains blood, including a huge gash on his leg. "You okay?" He asks whispering, looking me up and down.

"Yeah, you?" I respond and all he gives is a nod, but I could clearly see that he is in pain. Getting up I sneak up behind Elliot, but someone tackles, and I am on the ground in a matter of seconds with Greg on top of me. Curling my hands into a fist, I sling a punch at him and knock him off me.

Getting on top of him I begin to punch him constantly, until I hear a gunshot and there is a small pain through my torso. Elliot, standing a few feet ahead of us, has a gun aimed at me. I then move towards him superfast and hit him with all my force. He slumps to the ground and then there's silence, until I begin to hear a muffled sound coming from the truck; running to the side of the truck and slinging it open. It's Fredrick and he looks exhausted with rope tied around him and duct taped to his mouth.

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