24: Can't Imagine Being Anywhere Else- Kellin Quinn X Reader

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You had gone to a bar last night. It was a quite posh bar, mind you. However, you went alone. You were supposed to go with a work client as a business transaction but they bailed so you were there by yourself. You didn't mind though, you met someone. Someone you knew would make a long lasting impact on your life. Whether it was good or bad, you didn't know, but you most certainly wanted to find out. The night kept on replaying over and over in your head, the thought never once annoying you. You enjoyed thinking of this well-dressed stranger you met at the bar, and you hated it. People weren't your strong suit. But no matter what you tried to do, this scene just kept playing in your head:

(A/N if you didn't get this hint, if gone to the scene where you meet 'the stranger')

"I'm very sorry to bother you," a stranger came up to you, taking your head out of the clouds. "But what are you doing here all alone? You seem too awfully pretty to not have someone here with you." The stranger said. You must admit, he was extremely good looking. His hair complimented his eyes, and my god were his eyes captivating. Just like they could lure you into his trap. His facial expressions were the most calmest- almost so you couldn't tell if he was just being nice, or going to try kill you. You decided on the first one, he looked to kind to harm a fly.

"Well, I prefer being alone. Perhaps not in a bar, but I guess it'll do for now." You chuckled.

"I'm just surprised no one has offered you a drink yet. You're quite literally the most beautiful person here." The flatteringly said. You had blushed at this, you never had people complimenting you.

"You aren't so bad looking yourself, sir." You returned. You two went silent for a moment, just staring into each other's eyes. This happened for at least six seconds until he spoke.

"May I offer the prettiest person here a drink?" He offered.

"How could I ever turn an offer like that down?" You giggled. He went and got you two drinks, as you followed him to the bar. He got you a non-alcoholic drink. And, honestly, you trusted his more because of this. It showed that he wasn't going to try do anything dangerous which you appreciated.

"This is all very nice and flattering, but I have no idea where it's going so, forgive me for asking this, but; your name, sir?" You asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh right! Kellin. Kellin Quinn. What's yours?"

"Y/F/N, sir. My name is Y/F/N Y/L/N (a/n: Y/F/N= your first name Y/L/N= your last name). You have a very intriguing name Mr. Quinn. Perhaps I could learn more about it on a different day?"

"I would enjoy that, I'd enjoy that very much."


And on today's episode of "Millie's Cringey Shower Thoughts" this happened. I sorta like it tho, I guess. It was fun to write. I liked  Y/Ns character, they were fun to write.

Also, like, I pretty sure I'm being cheated on? I mean, I think I am. So that's just- just peachy 👌




-Millie Xx

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