29: Dear Future Self- Josh Dun

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A/N: here's a request for lovehorse107 who said "can you do a Josh Dun X eating disorder" a while ago so here it is! I hope it's okay!!

Tyler and Josh were on tour around the UK and EU. The tour was going well so far, well, good until that point. Both boys were still fighting through their demons. Having a celebrity status seems to make everything worse, you're constantly in the spotlight and everyone's eyes seem to be glued onto you. It tends to bring everyone's securities back out.

"Are you going to finish that?" Tyler asked his bestfriend. Josh was on the bus, eating a small apple when he stopped midway. Hes was literally in the middle of chewing when he abruptly stopped.

Through the mouthful, Josh stood up, muttered "I'll be back in a minute." And ran into the bathroom.

"Shit." Tyler mumbled under his breath and ran towards the bathroom to find Josh. He had then found out that the bathroom door was locked. The thing with Josh was that he was trying to recover from an eating disorder. And he had done well so far. Throughout the few months he had been progressively eating more and more.  "Josh, you in there!" He called, hoping for a response. All he heard back was a low grunt. "I'm coming in, okay?" He asked, though it was a rhetorical question. He only got the same grunt in response.

Tyler ran into the door with full force five times before he managed to break it down. Management would've killed him, but he didn't care at that moment. At that moment, all he cared about was his friend.  Once he had managed to break the door down, he found Josh sitting down on the floor, head above the toilet. He had silent tears rolling down his face and looked evidently distraught. Tyler sat down next to his best-friend and started rubbing his back, his hands going in comforting, circular movements. Eventually, Joshua had calmed down a little bit and rested his head on Ty's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Ty, I was just thinking and I just thought that-" Josh hiccuped.

"I know, I know. You started thinking the old thoughts. I know the feeling. You just have to remember that those thoughts, those demons that haunt your mind, they're old now. They haunt your past insecurities, it's just up to you whether you keep with past up-to-date with your future." Tyler explained.

"I- I guess."

"Josh, you have to remember that on step in recovery is to relapse. You can't just get it over and done with in one step. You need to build to it, it will take a shit ton of effort but it will all pay off. Everyone loves you, Josh. You have so much support all around you. You have me, Jenna, your brother and sisters, you parents and you have Debby. You even have the people who listen to our music! Josh, don't give up yet, not when you have so much around you." Tyler pleaded at the end.

"I won't." Josh simply put.

"Promise me?"

"I promise you."

Not my longest, but I wrote it on my way to school so yeah!

I hope this serves your request well!




-Millie Xx

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