35: Is Your Pleasure Like My Pain?- Vic Fuentes x Reader

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Vic's POV

I paced around my spacious apartment, waiting for Y/N to come back. They were staying at mine for a few nights because, well, because they could. However, Y/N had a tendency of not liking to see me. They would leave before I woke up, and return after I'd fallen asleep. I loved Y/N so much and the fact that they didn't even wanna see me made my heart ache. I missed them. I don't know what happened but all of an sudden they started drifting away from me. They just didn't want to see my anymore and that fact was painful. I had to wait up for them now. I just wanted to tell Y/N how I felt because I needed to get it out before I went insane.

"What have you been doing at this fucking time of night?" I asked Y/N when they finally got home. Every night this week, they had been out god knows where. It's all just secrets, secrets and more secrets. I can't stand it anymore.

"Out." They responded bluntly. It angered me so much. They sounded like they just didn't care.

"Don't even start that shit with me," I couldn't believe them, I didn't know them anymore. "You're acting more and more like a fucking stranger, Y/N. I'm sick of it. I don't know who the person behind those eyes are anymore; just a stranger in a recognisable disguise."

"I'm the same person I've always been, Vic. Are you accusing of cheating or something?" Y/N sounded provoked but I didn't care at this point, I needed to get my point through.

"Are you kidding? I have no clue who you could be anymore. There's no ghost of what we had anymore, it's all been replaced by lies and suspicion. I just feel like you've erased 'us' from your past and your future."

"You're joking, right?" They scoffed. Now I was beyond annoyed.

"May I ask you something?"

"Fucking shoot." They answered in a sarcastic tone, shrugging.

"Is your pleasure like my pain? Cause you're acting all happy and clueless when I'm genuinely worried about us."

"Vic, of course I care about us, what the actual fuck is your point with all of this?"

"Our lights have burned out, Y/N. I think our stars forgot how to glow."

"Are you trying to get me to leave or something?" They asked. Part of me thought that I would be better of if they left, I never saw them anymore, anyways. But another part of me didn't want them to leave. They had been such a massive part of my life for so long that I didn't like the thought of them not being there then.

"If you want to go, then go. If it will make you happier, run for your life. But tell me if I was right, let me know when your heart went numb, so I know when I should've stopped as well. Because, as they say 'if you love someone, let them go.' And I love you so fucking much." I only wanted them to be happy.

"I don't wanna hurt you." They responded, I saw tears slipping from their eyes.

"You've already broken my heart. And I can't get closure cause you're always so fucking closed off."

"I didn't mean to be." They said, they were most definitely crying now. Even with my eyes closed, I could hear it through their voice.

"Who gets in your place? Cause these memories are telling me that we weren't always."

"Vic, please relax you-" I just cut Y/N off.

"Don't even try to tell me to relax and don't try to tell me that we're not strangled and over the tracks. I tried to reach out to you, I really did but you just turned around instead. Now I'm trying to win this but we've lost all that we can loose. We lost us."

"Vic, I should leave you now. We don't work anymore." Y/N sobbed, almost like they actually cared.

"I told you this earlier, Y/N. Run for your fucking life but tell me when I'm right. Because I'm prepared to let you go. Only because I love you, am I okay to let you go."



This was, surprisingly, based off of Miss Mysterious by Set It Off and was very fun to write.

I'm currently in Brighton and I love it so much. It's very gay, very punk and by the ocean. It couldn't get any better.




-Millie Xx

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