41: Glitter and Crimson- Jalex

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It was three in the morning. Alex had decided to stay the night over at Jack's again. The two had been dating a while now but didn't want to reveal to the public as they were afraid of the back lash. Despite this, in private, they two were significantly more open with their feelings towards each other. They both were laying in Jack's bed with Alex currently had his head laying on Jack's chest, whilst Jack played with his hair. It was comforting in a way that Alex wasn't familiar with; a loving comfort. A comfort which could feel like a welcoming hug, without there actually being one. Alex's head was rested in a place where he could feel Jack's heartbeat and it was his favourite sound. He didn't quite know why e liked it so much, but he did and Jack had never questioned it. That was one thing Alex loved about Jack, he knew the boundaries and limitations of the people around them making them feel comfortable and safe.

Alex could feel that Jack wanted to say something, but he didn't want to push him as he knew Jack didn't like to be pushed to say something. So, what he did instead was got out of his laying position and straddled Jack. However, he straddled Jack in a way that both of them knew wasn't sexual but just wanted and eye-to-eye conversation. They looked into each other's eyes for a minute or two, Jack studying the emotion in his boyfriend's eyes and Alex pondering what Jack wanted to say so desperately. The air was almost tense, with a stare down going on. Finally Jack broke his gaze, closed his eyes and moved towards Alex, attaching their lips as he did so. Alex joined in with the action, giving in to Jack and completely forgetting what he was thinking of. Eventually, Jack broke it again and sighed.
"Are you okay, baby?" Alex questioned cautiously and carefully.

"Don't get mad at me please, just please don't break up with me. I need you." Jack was almost crying, and his boyfriend was still in the dark.

"Jacky baby, what do you need to tell me." Alex always feared the worst and was now wondering whether Jack had cheated on him or lied about his feelings. Perhaps worse.

"Alex," He paused for a second, gathered his thoughts and continued. "Alex, I love you." Jack was looking down, not wanting to see the presumed disgust in his significant other's eyes. Alex let out an amused giggle, put his left hand under Jack's chin and raised it so Jack was looking into his eyes. He reattached their lips and muttered an "I love you, too" as their lips were together. He could feel Jack smile widely as he applied more force to the kiss, and held Alex's face as if it were the most delicate object to ever be.

After a minute or two, Alex needed to breathe so pulled away and lay back down on Jack's chest. He lay there stroking Jack's forearm and felt his last mistakes. He knew Jack had a problem with who he was, and he knew that he took it out on himself. That didn't change how he felt towards the boy at all, he just wishes he never tore himself up like that. But Alex was proud of Jack. Three years clean and no seen chance of relapsing. He was so fucking proud of his boyfriend for that the world could never know. He was proud his better half was happier, healthier and just overall he was better off. Jack had always said that Alex had been his light at the end of the tunnel, even when they were only friends. Jack was Alex's, too. They were each other's sign that it would all get better, and that was because they had each other. They were each other's perfect mess. Sometimes, they couldn't always see a future and sometimes it was blurry but they always knew the camera would focus one day and it would all be for the best.

"Alex?" Jack had a look of worry in his eyes that Alex couldn't see as he was facing the ceiling.

"Yeah, baby?" Alex replied simply.

"What if being us isn't good for us?" Alex heard the heart break in Jack's voice and instead of looking up, he simply put his arms around Jack's waist and hugged him tightly. He knew looking at him would make him feel vulnerable, Jack hated feeling vulnerable.

"What do you mean, huh?" Alex was slightly confused as to what his boyfriend meant but wanted to help him not feel this way.

"What if this- us being together- isn't good for us?" The worry now clear as day in Jack's voice and Alex simply wrapped his arms tighter around Jack.

"Are you feeling trapped and unhappy in this relationship?" Now it was Jack's turn to be confused, wondering why his boyfriend would ask such a thing.

"Not at all, I was just-" He was cut off by Alex.

"Then it's good for us, Jacky. We're the happiest we've ever been. It's good for us."

"I just don't wanna have to bury our love because we couldn't be ourselves." Alex could hear Jack's sniffles but didn't dare look at Jack unless he told him he could, and he knew that he'd tell him eventually. "The world is so cruel to people like us."

Alex wanted to cheer Jack up, he didn't want him to feel outcastes for who he loved. "Then let's live for the dangerous." He muttered into Jack's side, just loud enough for him to hear.

"Live for the dangerous? What does that mean?" Jack pondered.

"Exactly what you think it means. Our love could start riots, Jack so let's do it. Let's start riots because of who we love." He proclaimed, staying curled into Jack's side. "I'm not going to let the sunshine fade on us."

"No but what if you find someone better? Someone who isn't so caught in the in between. Like, how can we be happy if happy isn't meant for us?" Jack just wouldn't let it go. Stubborn. A typical Jack trait.

"We're happy because less isn't good enough. Jack, being us feels good to us! We're free to be us!"

"But there are so many better people who ca-" Cut off again.

"There's no compromise and no second best. I'm not going to settle down and I won't settle for less. You're the best thing in my life, Jack Barakat. I'm not letting you go until the world collapses in on itself." Jack let out a breathy laugh, and started spooning Alex but then turned him around so they were looking into each other's eyes again. Alex spoke again. "Barakat, you're my supernova."

"Well, Gaskarth, you're my four leaf clover."


Wake Up, Sunshine is a masterpiece and the meaning of this fucking song makes me cry. for my favourite band to be such allies to write songs about same sex couples in their album just makes me so much happier that this is the i've grown up to admire so much. i owe my life to all time low.

part of this was based off of my friend's interpretation of the meaning of "glitter & crimson" and I really love it so!!!




-Millie Xx

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