Birds and the Bees

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Prompt: Keith telling his mom all about his wonderful boyfriend lance, and how much he misses him during their two years stuck together. Maybe krolia finally meeting lance after and she absolutely adores him and then tries to give Keith the galra version of the birds and the bees

A/N: I was in the middle of writing another fic but this one was too good to pass up alskjldaksjd. P.s. Slight plot changes were made so that Keith and Krolia don't find Romelle and they just return empty handed because this is just a dumb fic where Krolia tries to explain to Keith how to safely fuck his boyfriend.

Trigger warnings: none (unless you count second hand embarrassment lol)

Also minor nsfw (this is as close to nsfw as you're going to get from me suck it) and dumb comments made by Lance but what's new ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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"What are you doing?" Keith jumped at his mother's voice. He still wasn't used to it, even though it had been a few years since they had been stranded together in the quantum abyss. Keith panicked and crumpled up the picture that he was wistfully staring at.

"Uh, nothing" he sat up straight and tried to hide the object in his hand. Krolia eyed him suspiciously.

"You were smiling. But you are sad" she stated. Keith's cheeks burned brightly even in the dark of the atmosphere around them. Keith crossed his legs and cleared his throat, all while avoiding his mother's curious stares.

"Yeah, I was just... thinking of someone" He stuck his tongue in his cheek in an attempt to keep himself for saying anything more. He was never one to shut up about Lance.

Before Keith knew what was happening Krolia ducked behind him and snatched the photo out of his hand. She moved just out of his grasp as she unfolded and examined it. "He is pretty" she said absently as her dark eyes scanned the paper. 

It was from a few months before Keith had found his mother. Nothing special was going on, but Pidge fixed up an old camera that was laying around and Lance insisted that Keith take pictures of him around the castle. The two of them paraded around the castle for hours looking for the perfect places for Lance to pose. Most of them were just silly, but this one... this one took Keith's breath away. He had taken it entirely by accident. Lance sat down in the window sill of an empty room, pointing out the places that he wanted to get his picture taken, and describing to Keith the elaborate poses he wanted to try out. Keith was fiddling with the camera, trying to figure out what some of the other buttons did when the flash went off, blinding the both of them. They fell to the ground in laughter after the initial shock wore off. Keith didn't even know how good that picture was until Pidge handed him the giant stack. 

"Yeah, he is" Keith smiled shyly. Lance's hair was sticking up and beads of sweat were glistening on his forehead. He had a goofy smile on his face as he gestured to somewhere in the room. Behind him, a thousand stars shined, creating what looked like a halo above Lance's head. Words could never fully describe how Keith saw him. It would take him two lifetimes to even explain a fraction of the beauty he saw in Lance.

"You love him" Krolia said. It wasn't a question. She could see it in her son's eyes. His eyes were now comically wide as he stared at his mother. 

"I- I- wh- Er-" Krolia ignored his nervous stuttering and calmly sat down. Keith wildy grabbed at the paper and then held it to his chest. Krolia chuckled.

"That is what I felt like when I first saw your father" Keith blushed and peered down at the worn image.

"I just... hope he's still there for me when we get back" Keith said worriedly. Krolia cocked her head.

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