Klance Prompt

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Prompt 1: hey dude what about keith accidentally calling lance babe or something in front of the team. like they've been keeping their relationship secret and then he blows their cover

Prompt 2: can u do a funny klance thing of them trying to hide their relationship from the group 

A/N: I decided to combine these since they're so similar! And I don't normally do non-langst prompts but these were just too good lol.

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"Get in here" Lance hissed. Keith looked at the small room that Lance was referring to and shook his head.

"Yeah, that's not happening" Lance looked down the hall and huffed impatiently.

"Hurry up!" he grabbed the sleeve of Keith's jacket and pulled him into the room, closing the door behind them. Keith sighed.

"I'm in here now. Happy?" he asked. The room wasn't very big, so they had to stand chest to chest. Lance smirked.

"How fitting that we're in a closet" Keith punched Lance on the shoulders.

"You're the one who pulled us in here" he grumbled. "Why did you pull us in here?"

"'Cause Allura was coming down the hall" he stated matter-of-factly. Keith made a face.

"So?" he asked.

"So," Lance stressed the word like Keith had. "I could do this" He tilted Keith's chin up with one hand and the other he intertwined in his hair. He pressed a long kiss to Keith's lips. Keith chased Lance's mouth when he pulled away. "Alright, we can go now" Lance turned and opened the door. Keith stared at the spot where Lance had been.

"Wh- Hey, wait!" he called after Lance. "You dragged me into the closet for one kiss? Seriously?" he asked in exasperation. Lance smiled, showing the dimples on either side of his cheeks.

"Yeah? What are you going to do about it?" Lance asked boldly.

"I'm guess I'll just have to come get them myself" Keith said playfully.\

"If you want more, you're going to have to catch me first" he taunted. Keith's eyes hardened. Lance's eyes widened as he saw the spark of challenge in Keith's eyes. "Uh-oh" he turned and sprinted down the hall.

"I will catch you!" Keith called. Lance laughed as Keith chased him.

The two of them had been dating, if you would even call it dating, for the last few weeks. They hadn't told anyone because they weren't even sure what it was. Neither of them knew what they really wanted. Was this just a fling because they were horny teenage boys? Or were these genuine feelings that the two of them had ignored for far too long?

Neither of them knew the answer.

~ ~ ~

A few weeks late their 'fling' or whatever one would call it was still going on. They were spending almost all their time together. Allura and Shiro had commented on how well they were getting along lately, glad that the two had sorted out whatever childish rivalry they had going on. Little did they know the reason why they were no longer fighting was because they were making out in secret.

Only over the last week it had changed from just kissing each other in dark closets and empty hallways. They had started spending the night in each other's rooms. Not doing anything, just... sleeping. Wrapped up in each other's arms. They held hands when they were sure no one was looking.

They had even started calling each other pet names. Lance stuck with Mullet, though now he said it fondly. Keith had startled Lance one day by calling him babe and was surprised to learn that Lance liked. Really liked it.

The two of them still decided to keep their relationship a secret. They weren't sure how the others would react. Surely they would think it was a bad idea for the two of them to be together. What if they broke up? Would they be able to be Voltron if their relationship ended badly? Neither one of then wanted to think about that, and they didn't want to hear it from their friends. So, they hid it.

It went pretty well until one day, almost two months into their relationship.

Everyone was sitting around the table eating dinner after a particularly difficult mission. Coran had prepared a huge dinner for them, some dishes almost resembled food. Keith and Lance were sitting across from each other, the same way they had since the day they arrived on the ship. The table was fairly quiet, until Keith spoke up.

"Hey, can you pass me a bowl, babe?" Keith asked. Lance reached across the table for a bowl and handed it to Keith. He froze with his arm outstretched when he realized that everyone was staring at him.

"...What?" he asked. No one answered. "What?" Lance turned to Hunk. Hunk pinched his lips together and looked away.

"Did- Did you just—" Pidge stuttered, pointing at Keith. She turned her finger toward Lance. "Did he just—" Lance stared at her, bewildered.

"Did he just what!?" he asked in confusion.

"...Call you 'babe'" Shiro finished. Lance was frozen in shock, still leaning over the table with a bowl in his hand.

"Uh, no?" Lance said as he lowered himself back into his seat. Keith was sputtering across from him, his face as turning an alarming shade of red.

"I'm- I'm pretty sure he did" Hunk said, his eyes wide. Lance glanced at Keith helplessly. Keith refused to make eye contact.

"Ha!" Lance said suddenly, startling everyone. "Good joke, man. We got 'em" he said weakly. No one believed that. "Shit, okay uh... I have to tell you guys something..." he said slowly, trying to gauge Keith's emotions. "We, um, me and Keith..." Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Why are you drawing it out? Everyone clearly knows what you're about to say" she said.

"Geez, at least pretend to be surprise" Lance grumbled.

"Lance and I are dating" Keith blurted out quickly. Pidge slapped her hands onto her cheeks, making a loud noise.

"THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION" she exclaimed loudly. Everyone snickered at that.

"Well, good for you" Coran said, turning back to the food on his plate like it wasn't a big deal.

"Yes, I wish you two well" Allura concurred.

"I... would like to speak to both of you after dinner" Shiro said sternly. "But congratulations" he added with a smile. Lance bit his lip and smiled. This was going so much better than he had expected.

"When did this happen?" Hunk asked excitedly. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Who asked who out? When did you first realize that you two liked each other?" Hunk rambled on with a series of questions. Pidge joined in as well.

"Does this mean you're sleeping in the same room? Can I have Keith's room?" Lance snuck a glance at Keith. Keith was staring back at Lance.

They both smiled.

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