Too Late

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Prompt: Could you do a langst prompt where Lance is secretly self Harming and Hunk finds out but keeps queit because Lance begged him to? Until one day Lance goes to far? Idk but this would be great jdjfjfjf

A/N: There's been a lot of self harm prompts lately lol.

Trigger warnings: self harm, blood, major character death

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'"You can't tell anyone" Lance said desperately. "Please, please, please! Hunk, I'm serious. No one needs to know. I'll never do it again"'

Hunk thought back to that a lot. He remembered the feeling of numbness in his body as he saw Lance hunched over his sink, a blade in his hand and blood dripping into the sink. Lance's eyes wide in terror.

'I'll stop, I promise. I'll stop'

Lance swore he would over and over. He gave Hunk every blade, every sharp object. He even let Hunk search his room for more, making sure that Hunk trusted him. Hunk promised Lance that he would keep it a secret as long as Lance never did it again, and he came to Hunk whenever he felt like he wanted to do it again.

Lance kept this promise. He came to Hunk's door in tears more time that Hunk could count. Hunk would talk to him, rub his back, and reassure him that everything would be okay. Lance would stay the night in Hunk's room and then in the morning he claimed to be feeling better.

Things seemed to be getting better.

That was, until Hunk found Lance passed out on the kitchen floor in a pool of his own blood.

Hunk rushed to Lance's side in an instant, dropping to his knees. The blood soaked his clothes instantly. "No, no, no, no, no" Hunk muttered as he rolled Lance over. Lance's limp body turned with no resistance. Both his wrists were covered in deep slashes, all still gushing blood. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh-my-god!" Hunk didn't know what to do. Lance was still breathing, thought it was shallow.

Hunk screamed for help as he knelt there next to Lance, covered in his blood. Footsteps pounded as they all ran toward the sound of Hunk's screams. Hunk cradled Lance's head in his lap, accidentally smearing his face with blood. Hunk brushed Lance's hair out of his eyes as he desperately tried to wake him up.

"Come on, come on" Hunk cried as the room filled with people. "Lance, wake up, wake up"

"Wh- Hunk what happened!?" Allura exclaimed as she ran into the room. Tears fell down Hunk's cheeks.

Why didn't he tell anyone?

Shiro and Allura lifted Lance and rushed him to the infirmary. Hunk was followed close behind, still dripping with blood. Lance's skin was getting paler by the minute. He was barely breathing, and his heart rate was slowing. By the time they had arrived at the infirmary Coran, Pidge and Keith were running to find out what had happened.

"What's going on!?" Keith shouted. Hunk had his arms crossed over his chest, as if to hold himself together. "Hunk, what happened? Is that- What happened to Lance?" Keith said as he eyed the unconscious boy. Hunk shook his head and mumbled something incomprehensible. Coran jogged ahead to ask Allura and Shiro what was going on, while Keith and Pidge stuck by Hunk's side.

"I- I- I found him—" Hunk stuttered. His head was spinning. "In the- In the kitchen. Lance was- He promised he would- He talked to me. He said he was—" Hunk cut off abruptly and he doubled over, trying to catch his breath. Pidge whispered to Hunk that everything was going to be okay while Keith awkwardly rubbed Hunk's back. Neither of them really understood what was happening.

Shiro and Allura disappeared into the infirmary. Hunk straightened up and rushed toward the door suddenly. He couldn't let Lance get out of his sight.

"Hunk, I think it would be best if you stayed out here" Coran said gently, blocking Hunk from the door way. Hunk tried to look over Coran's shoulder, all he could see was Lance laid out on a table.

"Why- why aren't they putting him in a pod" Hunk said, his voice breaking. Allura had her ear to Lance's chest. Shiro was saying something to her. His face was hard. "Coran, why- why..." Coran's eyes filled with sadness.

"Hunk..." Allura stepped away from Lance and shook her head. Shiro dropped his head into his hands. Hunk's face went blank. He stumbled away from Coran. "Hunk, Hunk!" Hunk turned and fled. He didn't know where he was going, he just knew that he had to be away from there.

Lance was dead. His best friend was dead.

He promised he would stop.

He promised he would change.

Why hadn't Hunk told someone?

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