Poisoned (Part 2)

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A/N: This is second part to my last prompt!

Trigger warning: vomit, blood

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"Where'd Lance go?" Shiro asked, an hour into the flight.

"He said he wanted to take a nap" Hunk shrugged. He was slumped over in his seat, his arm over his eyes. He was thinking Lance had the right idea. He was exhausted too. "I might go join him" Hunk mumbled. Shiro chuckled.

"Go ahead," Allura said. "It'll still be awhile before we get back to the castle" Hunk yawned and then stood up and shuffled to the back room. He stretched sleepily and then turned the door knob to the bunkroom and pushed the door open. Light shone into the room and illuminated it. Hunk froze in the doorway.

"L-Lance?" Hunk stuttered. His voice sounded weird as it came out. He blinked his eyes rapidly, not believing what he was seeing. "Wh- Shiro!" he screamed, sinking to his knees. His friend was laying flat on his back on the floor, blood dripping out of the side of his mouth. His lips were blue.

"Hunk, what is it—" Shiro immediately snapped into action when he saw why Hunk had screamed. "Roll him on his side!" he instructed.

"Wh- what..." Hunk was in shock.

"Hunk, now!" Hunk shook his head and then rolled his friend on to his side. His skin felt like it was on fire. He was sweating through his clothes.

"What happened to him!?" Hunk asked in a strained voice. Lance was hardly breathing. Shiro felt Lance's pulse, and then began examining him.

"I don't know..." Keith and Pidge crowded in the doorway, seeing what was going on.

"Oh my god" Pidge gasped. "Is he okay!?"

"What is happening?" Allura shouted from the other room. Keith sprinted off to tell her about Lance. A few seconds after Shiro rolled Lance onto his side he began convulsing. Hunk jumped back in surprise. Shiro kept his hands firmly on the boy's arms, holding him relatively still.

"It's okay, Lance" he said calmingly. "You're going to be okay. I've got you" he didn't know if Lance was conscious or not. How long had be been laying here like that? Lance threw up a mixture of blood and vomit, his eyes popping open as he did. He gasped desperately for breath. "You're okay" Shiro said, rubbing Lance's arms. "Calm down, just breathe" Lance shuddered, and then collapsed back on the ground, his eyes rolling back in his head.

"What's happening!?" Hunk cried. He didn't understand what was happening to his friend. He was okay earlier. What had happened between then and now?

"I don't know" Shiro said with a concerned look on his face. "Pidge go tell Allura to hurry up as much as she can" he told her. Pidge nodded and then darted into the other room, looking like she was about to be sick.

"I can't figure out what's wrong with him" Shiro mused.

"Sh- Shiro?" Hunk said quietly. Shiro didn't hear him.

"He must've contracted something from that planet. Maybe it was something he ate?" Shiro's face went flat as he realized what had happened. "Or he was poisoned" he said slowly. Everyone turned to look at Lance in horror. He had been right. Someone had tried to poison Allura. And he saved her from it.

"Shiro" Hunk's voice shook. "I don't think he's breathing" Shiro bent down and listened for breath sounds. Nothing. He laid his head on Lance's chest to hear his heartbeat. Nothing.

"Shit. Lance, stay with me!" Shiro laid Lance on his back and then started doing compressions. Hunk began crying silently. Pidge stood in the doorway, frozen in shock. Keith kept his back pressed up against the wall outside the door, not daring to look inside.

Their friend was dying.

All because they didn't believe him.

"Breathe, dammit!" Shiro shouted in frustration. He was pushing on Lance's chest as hard as he could without breaking the boy's ribs. He had to keep him alive until they got to the castle, where they could put him in a healing pod.

"Oh my god, he's dying" Pidge's voice was barely audible, but everyone heard it. She said what they were all thinking.

Their friend was dying.

And there was nothing they could do about it.

Shiro was on the verge of giving up. It had been too long since Lance had stopped breathing. At his point he was risking brain damage from lack of oxygen. Hunk was sobbing next to Lance, gripping his hand tightly and pleading for his life. Keith had pulled Pidge out of the door way and was cradling her in his arms. Allura was holding back here tears as he urged the ship to go faster.

Their friend was dying.

And nothing they were doing was making any difference.

Shiro pushed even harder on Lance's chest. He could feel the boy's ribs bending beneath his palms. At the very least he would have permanent brain damage and bruised or broken ribs.

He didn't stop.

Hunk was still muttering prayers under his breath as Shiro continued to pound on Lance's chest. No one wanted to give up.

But then Shiro did. He rocked back on his heels, staring at the boy in dismay. He checked his pulse one last time, and then dropped his head into his hands. He had failed. Lance was dead. Hunk covered his mouth and stifled another sob, staring at his best friend. Shiro climbed off of Lance's body. Hunk turned to Shiro, his face streaked with tears.

"No," he said quietly. "Please, try again. It'll work. Just try it again" Shiro shook his head. They were too late.

"He's gone..." Shiro said, his voice breaking. "I tried everything... We don't even know what he was poisoned with" Hunk kept shaking his head. He didn't believe it. His best friend couldn't be dead. There was no way.

But he was.

"Keith," Shiro said softly. Keith peeked his head into the room, purposefully not looking at Lance. "Tell Allura that..." Keith nodded in understanding and then disappeared.

Lance was dead.

But then—

He breathed.

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