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Ever since the day Kara's pod touched down on Earth, Alex's parents taught her the same thing. Keep your head down. No one can know about Kara. Alex was always silent, which did nothing to help her friendships. The weight of Kara's secret held her down from the day that little pod landed in the field.

So, when Kara came out as Supergirl, Alex was pissed. It was almost impossible not to be. All of her work to hide this for nothing? But Alex kept it all in. She never showed how she felt. She just took the role of the supportive big sister and kept her head down. Alex knew everything about her little sister, but Kara never took the time to listen. She kept herself in hiding from everyone. On the outside, she was a badass DEO agent who saved lives and solved crimes, but underneath, Alex was terrified.

After years of silence, the image of Lena's smile burned itself into Alex's mind. She hadn't seen much of the scientist lately, due to the sudden increase in riots since President Baker's inauguration, and Lena's big move from her corporate lab to the smaller DEO med bay.

Kara, on the other hand, had doubled her time at the DEO, though it wasn't exactly for work purposes. She'd come out to Lena as Supergirl (and as bisexual, in a rather...interesting way.) Kara stayed the night at Lena's that night. Ever since then, Alex had been subjected to the new couple's constant cuddling, kissing, teasing, and flirtatious bickering.

It was torture.

It wasn't until Easter that it really hit Alex how completely and utterly in love with Lena she was.

The Danvers family was not at all religious, so Alex never understood why they celebrated Easter. As a kid, it involved candy and a whole day of fun, so she didn't mind.

Now, it meant Eliza took the week off and stayed at Alex's house, which was usually hell. Her mom had always been hard on her. Alex either "spent too much time at work" or "took too much time off for her mother."

Luckily, this year, Alex managed to convince her mother to stay with Kara, using lame excuses about how she was never home anymore, anyways, when she really didn't have the energy to clear her counters of the empty take-out containers. Kara always got along better with Eliza, anyways, since Kara was perfect in every way compared to her older sister.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Easter morning was living hell. Lena had been invited, and she and Kara were overly coupley, to say the least. When the pair shared their twenty-fourth kiss of the morning, Alex resorted to faking a phone call from Vasquez to escape.

"Do you need Supergirl?" Kara asked, sitting a little straighter in her seat.

"No, it's an administrative error. Not enough agents on shift." Alex lied. "And there's a bug in the mainframe. I'll be back in time for lunch." Another lie.

"Oh. Okay. Tell Winn he's welcome to come when he gets off, okay?" Kara asked.

"Sure." Alex tugged on her combat boots and laced them up in a hurry, then left without even bothering to let her mother know. She wasn't in the mood to be chewed out over a lie.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Director Danvers, shouldn't you be off today?" Winn called, his eyebrows scrunched together and his gaze never leaving the computer screen.

"How did you-" Alex froze in her tracks, staring at the back of the agent. "Nevermind. Is there anything at all to do?"

"Go home." Winn insisted.

"It's supercorp central at Kara's. No, thanks." Alex muttered, taking a seat in the chair next to Winn's.

"I knew it!" Winn typed the last digit of his code triumphantly and turned to face Alex. "You have a big gay crush on Lena."

"Shut up! I do not!" Alex insisted, kicking Winn's shin.

"Well, it's her or Kara, so I really hope it's Lena." Winn teased.

"We do not speak of this." Alex placed her index finger in the center of Winn's chest, glaring into his eyes.

"Okay, okay!" Winn rolled his chair backward, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "But you do know she has a big ass crush on you, but Kara asked her out, and she decided that you would never love her so she might as well learn to love Kara."

"What?" Alex asked.

"We're closer than you would think. Geniuses stick together." Winn shrugged.

"So the girl I'm in love with likes me back and is oblivious, and apparently I am, too?" Alex buried her head in her hands, a loud groan escaping her lips.

"Exactly." Winn nodded.

"And now I can't do shit because she's with my sister."

"Well, you could, but you probably shouldn't." Winn joked. A pair of heels clicked against the cement floor of the DEO, usually meaning there was a new visitor at their site. (Or a female agent had a date, which was even more exciting because as a DEO family, teasing was the highlight of Alex's days.) Both Alex and Winn looked up to find Lena standing awkwardly at the front of the room.

"Alex, can we talk?" Lena asked, her hands folded together behind her back in an attempt to hide her nerves.

"Sure." Alex stood quickly, almost falling over because her legs were crossed.

The pair made their way to an empty sparring room, Lena's heels clicking loudly against the concrete.

"What's up?" Alex asked, leaning against the wall right next to the door.

"I heard you and Winn talking." Lena murmured.

"About what?" Alex's stomach dropped, her face heated up, and her heart began pounding.

"Me." Lena took a tentative step forward, unfolding her arms from their place across her chest.

"Look, Kara-"

"Was the one who talked me into pretend-dating her so that you would get jealous, which I thought was a bad idea, for the record," Lena smirked.

"No shit, that was a bad idea! That hurt like a bitch." Alex insisted.

"Aww, look, Alex has a soul." Lena teased.

"Don't tell people that, they'll never listen to me again," Alex replied seriously, raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm sure they know." Lena laughed, placing her hands on Alex's shoulders.

"I haven't cried in front of an agent since Kara almost died in the field."

"Oh, so last week?"

"Kara almost dies every other week now, so yes," Alex muttered. Lena laughed, the same laugh that had been playing over and over in Alex's head for the past month.

"Yes, my best friend is a bit reckless."

"A bit?" Alex snorted. "She stares death in the face and tells it a knock-knock joke."

"Knock knock." Lena teased.

"Who's there?"


"Kiss who?" Alex gulped, meeting Lena's gaze.

"Kiss me, you dork."

Alex pressed her lips to Lena's, the shock of red lipstick against her tongue pressed her against the wall. Lena's arms planted herself on the concrete walls, her entire body curving into Alex's. It was the perfect kiss, hands finding their ways to tangle in hair and grasp at hips, breath all but forgotten until Lena felt like she was drowning.

"Happy?" Alex teased between quick breaths.

"Not until we do that again," Lena smirked, and lips pressed together again, this time more gently, sweeter. Instead of fingers tangled in hair, they cupped cheeks and arms wrapped around waists.

"Success!" Kara shouted from outside the sparring room, pumping her fist in the air. Alex just smiled against Lena's lips.

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