Birthday Gift

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THE 100: CLEXA - credit to the artist

In Clarke's house, birthdays meant nonstop torture for a whole day.  Raven and Octavia would get there much too early and wouldn't leave until much too late, the rest of the group flowing in and out every hour or so. Raven and Octavia always put both their names on the gifts they got Clarke. Raven was in charge of a few gag gifts, and Octavia bought the serious ones.

This year, Clarke had moved in with her long-time girlfriend, Lexa, and she knew it would be hell. Lexa had insisted upon staying home all day just for Clarke.

"Hey, bitches!" Octavia threw her arm around Clarke's neck, the other remaining around Raven's waist.

"Hi, O." Clarke smiled involuntarily, patting her best friend's back gently.

"Me, too!" Raven pulled Clarke into another hug while Octavia moved on to Lexa.

"Hey, guys." Lexa smiled. Clarke freed herself from Raven's grip, retreating into Lexa's arms.

"Presents are in the car, but you don't get them until later," Octavia announced, a sly grin on her lips that Clarke knew too well.

"Great." The blonde deadpanned. Lexa smiled, tracing circles on Clarke's hip over her pajama shirt.

"I'm going to go get dressed." Lexa placed a kiss on the top of Clarke's head, attempting to pull away.

"No!" Clarke groaned, "You're warm."

"Just grab a blanket, Clarke." Lexa rolled her eyes.

"There's no need. It's just us." Octavia laughed, walking into the kitchen and swinging open the door to the fridge.

"Besides, it's not like you were wearing anything last night," Raven smirked.

"True." Lexa winked. Octavia scrunched up her face, ducking her head against Raven's shoulder.

"Babe!" Clarke placed her face in her hands, a red hot blush spreading across her cheeks.

"She asked!" Lexa insisted, throwing her hands into the air. Clarke peeked through her fingers to send Lexa a dirty look.

"To be fair, I did." Raven shrugged.

"We aren't talking about this," Clarke announced, grabbing a banana from the counter, then tossing Lexa one.

"Fine, buzzkill. How was your mom last night?" Raven teased.

"Good." Clarke's voice raised about an octave. "Kane was there."

"Isn't it weird that your mom is dating our high school AP government teacher?" Octavia asked, finally shutting the fridge door.

"Yes, but she's happy. I'm just glad she's not living alone." Clarke shrugged.
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That evening, the four women curled up on the couch, Clarke resting her head on Lexa's chest, half asleep as Raven held Octavia. Suddenly, Raven jumped up, knocking Octavia onto the floor. Clarke didn't even look up when Raven ren outside.

"Where's she going?" Lexa asked, craning her neck to look at the door.

"To get presents," Clarke mumbled, picking her head up.

"She leaves them in the car to make Clarke wait, then remembers them right before we fall asleep." Octavia groaned, pulling herself off the floor.

"I almost forgot!" Raven burst through the front door, her arms full of gifts.

"We know." Clarke sighed, sitting up and pulling her legs off of Lexa's lap.

"Here." Raven sat down and thrust a present into Clarke's hand.

Clarke opened the first few, scrubs, a gift card to Starbucks, bullets for her favorite rifle, and books. Raven seemed so proud of herself for picking out a serious present this year.

"I have one of these for Lexa, too," Raven announced, smirking as she set the packages in their laps.

They each received a light blue tee-shirt, which they unfolded. Clarke's read, "I'M CLARKE FUCKING GRIFFIN," and Lexa's read, "I'M FUCKING CLARKE GRIFFIN."

"You had to." Clarke chuckled, reading Lexa's, who proudly pulled it on over her tank top.

"Very much so." Raven nodded.

"I was not involved in that." Octavia rolled her eyes.

"This is fucking amazing, I'm wearing this shirt all the time," Lexa announced happily.

"Just allow me one question." Raven looked to Clarke with pleading eyes.

"Fine, go." Clarke sighed.

"Who's the top?"

"Me, obviously," Lexa replied quickly, earning a knowing look from her girlfriend. "I meant Clarke. It's Clarke."

"I knew it!" Octavia shouted. "Pay up."

"Damn it." Raven handed Octavia a twenty dollar bill.

"Happy birthday, Clarke," Lexa whispered as their friends continued bickering.

"Thank you, baby." Clarke smiled, pressing her lips to Lexa's.

The night wound down, and Clarke fell asleep in Lexa's arms, the couple wrapped in their comfiest blanket on the couch. Raven and Octavia ended up on the floor somehow, using couch cushions as pillows, with a quilt draped over them. Clarke was happy to find out that Octavia was the little spoon, which meant she won a bet with Jasper. And that Raven snored, which she got evidence of for her bet with Monty. Overall, it was a great day, and Clarke earned $50 out of her friends' sleep. It was definitely odd when she thought about it.

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