Earth Birthday

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Only Kara's closest friends ever attended her Earth Birthdays, the anniversary of the day her pod crash-landed on Earth. Her real birthday, transferred from Krypton's calendar to Earth's, wasn't until later in the year. Earth Birthday was special. It was a celebration that she didn't die on Krypton, not that she'd made it another year (which was an accomplishment as well, considering the number of people and aliens who wanted to kill her.) Every year, the party's location changed. Once, it was at Alex's. Another time, they spent the night at the alien bar. This year, the party took place in Kara and Lena's new apartment.

Lena found an apartment she liked more than her suite at the Baldwin, much to Kara's delight. She asked Kara to move in the day she bought it (though it was just for rent, she was able to throw enough money in the owner's direction to persuade him.) The two moved in rather quickly, due to the help of Supergirl, who earned an excess of kisses from Lena. Alex helped as well, but Kara did most (all) of the heavy lifting.

Babe💚💙💜: Stay out of the apartment until 4...I have a surprise. 😘❤️😉

Kara smiled at her phone, rolling her eyes. Lena was awful at surprises.

Babe💚💙💜: I mean it this time.

Kar❤️🧡💛: Yes, Lena.

Babe💚💙💜: Happy Earth Birthday, baby.

Kar❤️🧡💛: Thank you, beautiful. What's my surprise??????

Babe💚💙💜: A surprise. No clues this time.

Kar❤️🧡💛: Does it involve bed...

Babe💚💙💜: You wish. That's not until after the party.

Kar❤️🧡💛: 😔

Babe💚💙💜: Don't you pout at me

Kar❤️🧡💛: Fiiinneee. I expect kisses.

Babe💚💙💜: You're a useless gay

Kar❤️🧡💛: As if you aren't. Gotta go get yelled at by Snapper 🙃

Babe💚💙💚: Love you, baby.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lena huffed, hands on her hips as she glanced over her ingredients. This experiment could fail miserably. She adjusted her apron and rubbed her hands together.

"Come on, Lena, it's just a cake." She muttered to herself. The cookbook made it seem easy enough, she thought, it's just science. If Winn could do it, she could, too.

That assumption couldn't have been more wrong.

Lena picked eggshells out of the thin batter, reading through the recipe again. She hadn't done anything wrong! She added a bit of extra flour, hoping the cake would end up right. Lena poured the batter into the pan, managing to spill most of it onto the counter and set it in the oven. She stepped back, surveying the mess. Flour was on the floor, batter on the countertops, and to top it all off, the bowl from the mixer laid on its side, dripping excess liquid onto the tile. Just when Lena thought it couldn't get worse, Kara walked through the door.

"Aww, babe." The blonde chuckled, dropping her bag by the door and hanging up her coat. "You're a mess."

"Thank you very much." Lena pouted. Kara giggled, striding over to place a gentle kiss on Lena's lips.

"Would you like some help with the cleanup?" Kara teased, resting her hands on Lena's waist.

"I need a shower, so yes,"  Lena replied. Kara ran her finger along the side of the bowl and licked it.

"Alex is still getting a cake from the bakery," Kara announced, scrunching up her nose.

"That bad?" Lena asked, her shoulders slumping.

"Nope, I just like cake." Kara lied, pecking Lena's lips again. "Party's in an hour. You'd better get in the shower."

"One more kiss," Lena smirked, pressing her lips to Kara's. "And now I'll get ready."

Kara waited until the bathroom door was shut and Lena was in the shower to begin the cleanup. She sped around the kitchen, scrubbing everything clean. When she finished cleaning up, she listened for Lena's soft humming and used her superspeed to make another batch of batter. Kara tossed Lena's and replaced it with hers, hiding the evidence, and managed to clean herself up before Lena was out of the bathroom.

"It smells good!" Lena smiled, proud of herself when she exited the bathroom, wrapped in a towel.

"You must be better at this than we thought." Kara lied.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lena exited the bathroom just before the party was set to begin, her hair flowing down her back. Instead of a dress, she wore jeans and a tee-shirt. She threw herself onto the couch, resting her head in Kara's lap.

"I love you," She hummed, her eyes closing as Kara ran her fingers through Lena's hair.

"I love you, too. Now, don't fall asleep."

"Too late," Lena mumbled, smiling when that earned her a long kiss. "I should fall asleep early more often."

"I should just kiss you more often, is what you're saying." Kara teased.

"Yeah, pretty much." Lena giggled, humming when Kara kissed her again.

"We're here, now stop making out!" Alex announced, bursting through the unlocked door.

"No!" Kara groaned, immediately missing Lena's lips against hers.

"I didn't know you wore normal clothes, Lena." Alex teased, setting the cake and food on the counter.

"She doesn't. Those are my clothes." Kara smirked.

"I wear sweats!" Lena insisted.

"My sweats." Kara laughed.

"And pajamas."

"No, you don't," Kara smirked, laughing at the face Alex made. Lena sat up, sticking her tongue out at Kara.


"No, I'm not. I'm Supergirl, babe, that doesn't apply to me." Kara teased.

"Supergirl card doesn't work," Winn chimed in automatically.

"I'm not mean!" Kara pouted.

"No, dear, you aren't. I was joking." Lena giggled, making her way into the kitchen to steal a few potstickers before Kara could get to them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Lena's cake gets the candles!" Kara announced, her arms tight around her girlfriend's waist.

"Lena can bake?" James asked.

"No." Lena giggled. "I can almost guarantee it'll be bad."

"It's fine, I tasted the batter." Kara chimed in.

Alex rolled her eyes and lit the candles, setting the cake in front of Kara with a sigh. There was never a song on Earth Birthday, because Kara thought it was torture to set a cake in front of someone and make them wait. Kara blew out her candles, and cakes were served, Kara getting two large slices and everyone else getting two small ones.

"It's actually good!" Lena exclaimed, very proud of herself.

"Told ya." Kara insisted, smiling at how proud Lena was of herself.

"Happy Earth Birthday, lovely." Lena murmured, pressing a kiss to Kara's lips.

"Stop making out!"

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