Coffee Shop

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AGENTREIGN: Inspiration in picture above! ^^

Alex Danvers sat in her favorite coffee shop, her empty cup on the table in front of her, long forgotten as she sifted through the files for a case, taking notes as she read. The case had her lost. She'd looked over every single document twice, but still, she was stumped. The DEO (Department of Extranormal Operations) had been working her like a mule ever since the Alien Amnesty act was signed. She was just about to shut the file and head home to see if Kara, her sister, knew anything about the alien, when the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen entered the shop. She wore a simple, loose blouse and a pair of black pants. Her light brown hair reached just past her shoulders. Her teeth were slightly crooked, but it just made her smile that much cuter.

Sam Arias had been going crazy in her office, the of paperwork piling into mountains. She was lucky to work for her best friend, even if Lena was a slight pain in her ass sometimes. Her daughter, Ruby had soccer practice, and she carpooled with her friends. The extra few hours meant Sam had time for a walk down to Noonan's, across the street from Catco, the media empire that her friend bought, all for that 'best friend' of hers. It was always worth it for the caffeine and a chance to rest her eyes. She ordered her usual, the largest caramel macchiato she could get. The little hole-in-the-wall smelled of rich coffee and freshly baked treats. When they called her name, Sam took the drink with an empty smile. This merger at L-Corp was driving her absolute nuts. Being the CFO meant more money, so Ruby lived more comfortably, but less time with her baby girl. God, Sam hated that douchebag lawyer with a passion.

She found the last empty spot in the whole place, across from some woman with a notepad and a thick file. A leather jacket hung on the back of her chair, a motorcycle helmet on the table. She had hair that was somewhere in between red and brown, slightly messy, which Sam assumed was the fault of the forgotten helmet. One side of her head was shaven, but sported a little bit of hair, almost like she'd been growing it out, the other cut short and fell just below her jawline. She was beautiful, to say the least.

"Mind if I sit?" Sam asked, placing her hand on the back of the chair.

The woman shook her head, moving some of her things so that Sam could have some space on the table. "Not at all."

"Sam Arias, by the way." Sam stuck her hand out, over the other woman's coffee and papers.

"Alex Danvers." The woman shook Sam's hand politely, an adorable little smile on her lips. Sam nodded, smiling back. She placed some work on the table, then dug out her pen.

"The work never stops."

"Same here." Alex sighed, scribbling down another note in the margins of her paper.

Every time Sam wrote something down, she found her eyes wandering up to glance at the woman in front of her. Every once in a while, she would catch Alex doing the same, a slight smile playing on the stranger's lips.  She eventually managed to work through about half of the documents, slapping another paper onto her 'done' pile with a victorious smile.

"At least someone's getting things done," Alex muttered, a half smile on her lips as she scribbled down another note.

"Paperwork is hell. What've you got?" Sam asked, resting her chin on her hand.

"A case with absolutely no more leads. Paperwork is more fun."

"Ouch. You a cop?"

"FBI." Alex pulled her badge out of her pocket and handed it to Sam. "You?"

"I work at L-Corp. You may have investigated my boss slash best friend a few times." Sam sighed.

"Lena, yes. She's one of my favorite non-criminals. Damn good at chess, too." Alex nodded, slipping her badge back onto her pocket. She loved that thing. The digital card in the wallet could change to whatever agency she needed it to be, to keep civilians unaware of DEO's existence.

Sam's phone buzzed with a text from the mom that was driving Ruby home today, saying that practice had just ended. Sam's shoulders slumped slightly. She was enjoying the adult conversation for once.

"It was nice meeting you, Agent Danvers, but I have to get back to work. My daughter and our favorite non-criminal both need me." Sam chimed, loading the last of her work into her briefcase.

"Tell Ms. Luthor that I say hello, and please, for both of their sakes, tell her that Kara Danvers is in love with her." Alex joked. Sam snorted, grabbing her half-empty cup with a grin on her lips.

"And ruin the dramatic movie that is Lena's love life? Then work would be much worse." Sam chuckled, nodding goodbye to the agent. She stood and gathered her things, then headed to the door.

"Wait! You left this!" Alex called, holding out a scrap of paper.

"Oh, thanks." Sam sighed, relieved for a second that there were still nice people. She looked down at the paper, but it wasn't hers. It read:
Call me, 365-9474.
-Alex Danvers
"This isn't mine." Sam tilted her head, confused.

"It can be...If you want it to." Alex replied simply. Sam smirked, chuckling slightly.

"I'll call you later, Alex Danvers."

"I'll be looking forward to it, Sam Arias."

A/N: That phone number's random, don't call it unless you want to talk to a random person lol
I loved this idea, so I wrote it. Credit to @shannon_september on Instagram.

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