Sick Day

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Sara was normally unbothered by headaches. Pain didn't bother her. She'd died, a little bit of hurting couldn't do much harm. Today, though, when she woke up, it felt like her eyes were taped shut. Something pounded at the inside of her skull, and she pulled the covers over her head within seconds. Gideon called out something about a new blip on the magic-o-meter, but Sara just remained in her place, trying to sleep through the pain.

"Sara, there's a leprechaun in Paris!" Ray called.

"Go, then." She mumbled. The team was murmuring outside her room.

"You ok?" Zari asked.

"Headache to end all headaches. You can do things without me." Sara replied.

"I'm going back to bed," Mick grumbled.

"Night!" Nate called, shutting the door and shooing the group away.

"Captain Lance," Gideon announced. "Incoming transmission from Ava Scharpe."

"Put her on and tell her I'm coming," Sara grunted, dragging herself out of bed and wrapping an extra blanket around herself. She trudged into the library to find Ava patiently waiting.

"You look like hell." Ava smiled, Sara rolling her eyes.

"Feel like it, too."

"Do you need me to come take care of you?" Ava asked.

"It's just a migraine." Sara shook her head, wincing when another wave of pain hit. "But if you want to come, I'm not opposed to having my human pillow."

"You want me to hold you." Ava insisted.

"Don't tell the kids." Sara smiled, flinching when the loud whooshing of Ava's time courier opening a portal filled the air. Without a single word, Ava pulled Sara into her arms, allowing the shorter woman to rest her head on her chest.

"Where are the kids?" Ava asked.

"Mission," Sara mumbled, her eyes remaining closed.

"You must feel really bad if they went on a mission without you," Ava whispered, her arms wrapped tightly around Sara's waist. "Do you want to go to bed?"


"Are you going to move by yourself?"


So, Ava carried Sara to the bedroom and laid there, stroking her hair and holding her close until the team returned. By then, Sara had begun stirring, but every time she was anywhere near awake, she wound whimper quietly in her sleep and snuggle closer to her girlfriend.

"Are you doing okay, Sara?" Someone called, knocking quietly on the door before opening it. Ava held a finger to her lips, afraid to wake sleeping Sara, who was just so damn cute when she snored.

"I had Gideon fabricate some Advil and a glass of water." Zari set them down on the nightstand, then retreated. When the door slid shut, Sara's eyes shot open, her breath catching in her throat.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ava murmured, kissing Sara's head when the captain wrapped herself around the director.

"Bad dream. My head still hurts." Sara replied.

"Zari brought Advil and water."

"Smart." Sara took the medicine gratefully, then tangled herself up in Ava's arms again. "Sorry I'm so boring today."

"I love spending time with you. Boring or not."

"I love you, too." Sara listened to the soft sound of Ava's heartbeat, her ear pressed against her chest, and fell asleep again, held tight.

A/N: Finals this week. I'm tired, sorry it's so short. Just some useless, plotless fluff for no good reason. Good night.

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