Stood Up

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Alex sipped at her red wine, gazing at the door to the restaurant. She sighed, rolling her eyes. Of course Maggie was late. When was she not? She sent another "Where are you?" text and resisted the urge to throw her phone, instead downing the rest of her wine and calling the waiter over and ordering some scotch. When her phone rang, a part of her had hope.

"Hey, are you on your way?" She asked, her eyes squeezed shut, almost praying to a god she didn't believe in.

"No, babe. I can't make it." Maggie sighed. Alex bit back a groan.

"Again, Maggie? Seriously?" She muttered, glancing around. If she left alone, people would know she'd been stood up. It was embarrassing.

"I'm so sorry, baby! I'll make it up to you tonight." Maggie pleaded, begging for forgiveness that Alex wasn't giving.

"No, you won't. You're staying at your place. In fact, get your things out of my apartment. We're through." Alex grumbled, hanging up the phone. What else did she expect? Maggie hadn't bothered to show up at any of their dates in weeks, always rescheduling for that weekend, or next week, or tomorrow night, because the police captain was "awful, baby," and she was so sorry, and she loved Alex.

"Hey, I'm so sorry, I'm late!" A woman exclaimed, sliding into the empty seat across from Alex. "I got held up at work, and then traffic. You know how it is."

"Who are you?" Alex asked, glancing around.

"For right now, your girlfriend. If you leave alone, -"

"Everyone knows I got stood up. Thank you." Alex let out a relieved breath. "Maggie, my now ex, has stood me up about six times this month."

"Harsh. I would've dumped her at two." The woman scrunched up her nose, distastefully.

"I'm Alex, by the way." The redhead announced.


"Well, Sam." Alex tilts her head, a slight smirk on her lips. "What do you do for a living?"

"I work for L-Corp. I'm the CFO." Sam replied, opening the menu casually.

"Oh, fuck." Alex groaned, burying her face in her hands.

"Is that all it takes for you?" Sam smirked, never looking up.

"No, I just-you're-I'm gonna kill Kara and Lena." Alex stuttered, her face heating.

"Kara and Lena, my boss and her girlfriend?" Sam asked, glancing up, finally.

"Kara's my sister. Lena's been trying to talk me into going out with you since the day you were hired." Alex sighed, taking another sip of her scotch before spotting her sister and Lena in a booth, attempting to seem casual. Kara noticed Alex's glare and shot her an awkward thumbs up. Lena noticed that Alex was staring at them instead of Sam, and leaned over the table, placing a long kiss on Kara's lips. Alex averted her eyes, hiding her disgust.

"They planned this." Sam sighed. "Lena texted me, saying there was a pretty girl in a nice restaurant who could use some saving, but I had my daughter. They just said, 'we'll babysit,' and I somehow believed there was no ulterior motive." Sam chuckled, peeking over to see Ruby laughing with her aunts.

"She's beautiful. Your daughter, I mean." Alex smiled. The girl really was pretty, Alex couldn't lie, and at least Sam actually liked kids, maybe even wanted another.

"Isn't she?" Sam smiled. "A very beautiful handful. Anyways," Sam shook off her distraction, "What do you do?"

"I'm an FBI agent. I also do some science and a bit of doctoring, but the field is where I do best." Alex replied.

"My specialty is math, which is not useful in a mugging." Sam joked.

"Well, it's a good thing I am," Alex smirked, earning a low chuckle from Sam.

"And I can do your taxes."

"Which are important. I'd like to avoid getting arrested, you know, forever."

"I'd like to avoid getting mugged," Sam replied.

"Fair statement." Alex nodded, making a face as if she was considering the options.

"We're a perfect duo." Sam laughed, meeting Alex's eyes with a smile.

"Maybe Lena was onto something." Alex shrugged, placing her hand on top of Sam's, which rested beside her silverware.

"Maybe." Sam intertwined their fingers, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Dinner went smoothly, as did dessert, and Alex felt that little bit of hope spill into her mind. She smiled when Sam suggested coffee, glancing to Kara's booth.

"Will the kid be okay?" Alex asked. Ruby was splitting a slice of chocolate cake with Lena, as the slices were especially large, but Kara had her own.

"They insisted upon keeping her overnight. She'll be fine. We should say goodbye first, though." Sam nodded. The waiter placed the bill in front of Alex, earning chuckles from the booth.

"What're they laughing at?" Sam asked.

"Kara was a waitress for a bit and realized that if you ask for only one bill with someone of the same sex, and the staff puts it in front of you, they've decided you're the top," Alex replied, rolling her eyes at her sister.

"They're wrong," Sam muttered, snatching the bill and paying for the meal herself.

"Oh, are they now?" Alex chuckled.

"Most definitely." Sam laughed, handing the bill to a waitress on her way past.

"We shall see." Alex chimed. Sam rolled her eyes, deciding to spend the rest of the time it took to get her card back quietly, observing Alex's actions.

The pair said goodbye to their friends and family, Alex having to tell Kara to be quiet a countless number of times. Lena found that hilarious. Ruby greeted Alex politely and hugged her mother tight before she left, hand in hand with Alex.
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