Chapter One- Bryan

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"Wait up bro!" Bryan yelled as he ran across the busy street trying to catch up with Justin. Justin turned around and smiled as he stood waiting in front of a café, in the drizzling rain. His bright blue eyes sparkled and his dimples, like deep holes, glowed with excitement as Bryan caught up to him. Bryan's athletic body was so defined as his broad shoulders filled out his black sweater, "Where you heading to my man?" Bryan asked curiously. Justin looked up at the thirty-story tower and said "my Dad's back in town, I've got to meet up with him and talk about why the hell he's stopped paying money into my account. Do you want to come? "
Bryan looked at him while shaking his head, "nah, I'll leave that to you." He laughed as he patted Justin on the shoulder. Bryan hated confrontation, and dealing with parents was not his specialty.

"Where you coming from?" Justin asked Bryan as he noticed his grey sweatpants and basketball shoes.

"I was playing b-ball with a few of them boys from Crestfield, those niggas are wack. They got a house party on Friday night, you should come."

"Yea, I'll be there." Justin said wiping his brow as the rain made his blond locks fall into his eyes.

"Hey man, come through to my joint after, I'll have some beers waiting for you." They both laughed and fist bumped as they turned away from one another.

It was almost six in the evening and the darkness had finally caught the sun. The rain was sprinkling lightly on the black bitumen road that racing cars would ride over, leaving splashing noises that drowned out the sound of people walking everywhere. Bryan's tall stature and muscular physique led the rest of his body down the street, his steps were purposeful heading towards his truck which he parked under the malls parking lot. Bryan turned the corner into the parking lot, which was quickly emptying from Christmas shoppers getting their last-minute gifts.

A beautiful woman with black patent high heels stood by a pay machine trying to take out her ticket, Bryan quickly noticed her and approached her from behind. Like a lion scoping out his prey, Silent, then pouncing just in time. His deep dark voice broke the silence "do you need some help with that?" The woman quickly turned to him, her eyes widened at his captivating good looks and masculinity. She smiled and let out a slight giggle saying, "I'm just trying to get this ticket out of this darn machine." Her face was soft as her dark hair laid over her shoulders, she watched Bryan's strong hands manoeuvre the ticket from the ticket sucking machine. The smell of his cologne was spellbinding, she breathed him in sending flutters of spasm to her heart. "Thanks," she smiled as he handed her the ticket. She held out her hand to shake, "I'm Denise, are you from around here?" she asked. Bryan smiled as his brow lay low, sexual thoughts began rushing through his head as he looked at her round behind. Bryan was used to women like Denise throwing themselves at him, he knew what would happen and exactly when it would happen, he once described 'The steps to a hook up' in a flow chart.

Bryan was always in control, confident, self-assured and knew what he wanted. He was well known at Monroe High School, captain of the football team and pretty much slept with every girl in the school. Bryan and Justin made a bet last summer to see how many girls they could hook up with. Bryan won with 43 girls to 35, which was impressive especially since there was only eighty days for the summer break. Justin and Bryan shared an apartment until the beginning of this year when Justin had to move back home because his grades were slipping, and the fact that he needed more money from his dad to cater to his lavish lifestyle.

"I'm Bryan, originally from Texas, but pretty much grew up here in New York." He said turning his cap around so she could see his strong jaw line and boyish grin. Denise was mesmerised and her heart almost skipped a beat when he placed one hand on the wall above her head. His muscular arm made her body shiver. She wanted him more than she wanted the latest jeans that she just bought in the Gucci store. She waited and listened to his every word. His lips were hypnotising her; his breath was locking the doors to the trap she intentionally fell into. Denise wasn't fighting the lust she had for him, she wanted to be there forever with him. She wanted more of him, as she hung onto every word he said. His lips were full as she imagined kissing him passionately. Bryan looked at his watch, breaking the spell with his sudden movement. "I'm sorry I better get going, I have friends coming over." He knew she wanted him, he could feel the desperation and he hated that. He loved the chase and when that was over, he usually lost interest. Denise blurted out "can I give you my number? And maybe I can take you out or something." He almost laughed, but as smooth as he was, he smiled and answered "sure," so nonchalantly. The Lion was now Denise, swiftly Bryan had changed the playing field, he was the one being hunted. Denise was hungry and Bryan knew this. Bryan handed her his phone so she could save her number into his phone. "Aight, we'll catch up soon." He said as he dialing her number, she smiled as his number came through. He turned away and walked towards his car lifting his hand up without saying goodbye. She took a breath as she saved his number under 'Bryan-Hot guy,' she quickly gathered her things and left before her ticket expired.

Bryan sat in his black truck and looked for his keys in his pocket. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror as he adjusted it. The smell of his new car was deafening with accomplishment, even though Justin was the one who bought it for him. It was his seventeenth birthday gift from his best friend, his boy, his road dog, his brother. They were obviously not brothers by blood but brothers through loyalty. Justin stood by Bryan and vice versa, they were inseparable, wherever you saw Justin, Bryan was very close in proximity.

It was the night at Stephan's party, Justin came out of his parents' room, while Georgia came running behind him in tears. Justin knew then that the loyalty Bryan had for him was more than what his own father had. Justin's eyes were blurry from drinking way too much, he stood looking for Bryan in the overcrowded party. He spotted him in the corner, whispering into Arania's ear. Bryan was about to get it on with Arania. He was slurring and telling her how much he liked her. Arania's round cheeks were pink with excitement and enjoying his every word, she'd been in love with Bryan since she was eleven. Her brown eyes so attentive and hanging onto every drunk word he was saying. Justin knew whatever he was saying to her was bullshit and was controlled by their over consumption of the beers they had earlier in the car. He ripped Bryan's arm from his grip of Arisna's waist. Her long blond hair swung around as her once brown eyes turned black and evil. Justin stole Bryan from her, and she was throwing daggers at him. Justin pulled him into the kitchen. "Listen man, I fucked up! I think I went too far. I was confused, she was acting like she wanted it and, and, and.." He couldn't get the words out to explain that he just raped her. He was breathing hard and talking fast. Without hesitation Bryan grabs him by the shoulders and said "Shut the hell up! Ain't nothing happened! You deny fucking everything, nobody's going to believe her." They looked one another in the eyes and that was that, not another word was spoken of the ever again.

A few weeks later Georgia left Monroe High School and went to another school across town never to be seen or heard of again. I had to take care of shit, Justin is my brother, no questions asked. We had each other's back, don't take it personal, it's just the way shit was supposed to be. Nothing and nobody got in the way of their loyalty for one another. Bryan reversed out of the parking lot and out into the pouring rain, the water pounded his windscreen as the wipers worked overtime.

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