Chapter 13

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These two days have been more than I have deserved and today, I get to enjoy the judgmental looks on my families faces when I return to our family home. The last two days I was at my apartment in New York, ignoring any type of confrontation with satan's crew. I knew Honor would back me up on pretty much anything that wasn't the problem, my parents were the main issue. I parked just outside of the house and made my way to the front.

My mother opened the door and didn't say a word, instead she moved away to give me enough space to step inside. I walked into the dining room to see my father, Honor and Odette sitting at the table, as if they were expecting me. A deafening silence filled the room and everyone looked at me as If I have killed someone. Odette looked away, probably very hurt. Honor stood up to give me a hug „Why haven't you answered my messages?" „I was busy." I answered and pulled away from the hug, taking a seat at the table.

„I think I owe you all an explanation." I started, Odette slammed her hands on the table. „Do you have any idea how embarrassed I felt when you just-" Shira placed a hand on her shoulder „Dear, dear, I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for that." Odette looked away „Yes, that gold digger, wanna be journalist persuaded him to-" This got me extremely angry, I gave them all a raging look, clutching my fists trying desperately not to punch something. „Don't you dare say anything about Rory ever again!" My voice sounded quite scary, I must admit.

„You threw everything away because of her!" She practically screamed at me. Before I had the chance to say anything, my father, who has been very quiet from the start slammed his hand against the table „Watch your tone when you speak to my son!" I swear I have never seen him defending me like this. He was pissed and Odette and my mom instantly went silent. My mom sat down next to Odette, still having her hand on her shoulder, like she was protecting her.

„This whole engagement and marriage was a big mistake, I know I should have said something earlier but I just never found the perfect timing." My mom then said „So you thought, when Odette was already in her wedding dress that it would be the best opportunity to make a run for it?" She looked very disappointed, this whole marriage seemed like a big responsibility, like a job that I didn't take seriously enough and now had to be punished for.

„I didn't-" and before I could even finish my though, Odette stood up again, screaming at me again. „I paid that bitch to stay away from you, how dare she ruin everything for us?!" I could't believe what I was hearing, I felt incredibly angry and betrayed. How could this possibly be happening right now? I stood up as well, I could't take these attacks anymore. „Rory is pregnant!" I yelled out at them, they all went silent for a moment. „And if anyone, says another fucking word about her, I will personally make sure they have see the inside of this house again!" I said, seeing my father nod his head made me feel a little bit more secure about all of this.

„Well, I'm sure it is not to late for her to... get an abortion?" My deathly stare at her made her change her statement „Maybe consider adoption?" Odette sat down, she looked like her whole world is crushing down, she didn't look surprised, she looked heartbroken and devastated. Did she know about the baby?

„Shira shut up!" Mitchum stood up „This is my grandchild we are speaking of, how dare you say something like that! Get out! Both of you!" He said, pointing them the door, when non of them moved „Do I seriously have to call Bob?" Bob was our security guy, I swore I almost laughed, the two of them stood up and walked into the kitchen, discussing how something like this could have happened.

My dad looked at me and smiled. „What is it that you need son?" He asked and pulled out his check-book from a drawer, I swear he had one in each room. „Nothing dad, I have everything" I said, he really did make everything possible for me. „Don't you dare leaving her again Logan, I mean it. This baby is the most important thing right now." I looked behind me to see Honor shocked but extremely excited, she pulled out her phone, probably to tell Josh. „I just wanted to apologise about the wedding, I wasn't-" he placed a hand on my shoulder „I know we didn't always see eye to eye, but we need to make this right." I smiled at him, I never had a good relationship with him and believe me if I had to take a wild guess at who would stand by my side in moments like these, it sure wouldn't be my dad, but after everything, I was incredibly happy that he did.

I nodded and felt Honors hands wrap around me from behind, I turned around to give her a proper hug. „It's a boy." I confirmed and smiled „Oh my Good that is so amazing!" Honor screamed out and hugged me again „Congratulations bro, that is so great!" She said. My dad smiled too, his look was filled with pride, my phone rang, I look at it confused, since I wasn't expecting a call on Sunday, I was very strict at work when it comes to my weekend, it was an unknown number. I hesitated to answer but after I did I head a female voice.

„Is this Logan Huntzberger?" She asked me. „Yes, that is me." I confirmed.

„Lorelei Leigh Gilmore listed you as her emergency phone number, Sir, we have bad news for you. She has been involved in a pretty serious car accident, she is currently in the OR, her mother is already on her way here to the Hartford Hospital" I instantly hung up and felt my hand shake. „Rory is in the hospital, I gotta go." I said with panic, my voice was shaking and I felt so scared. My dad then said „The driver is ready to go!" I rushed outside, picking up my jacket on my way outside.

I practically yelled out at the driver to drive as fast as he can, once we arrived I ran inside of the hospital, I looked tried finding out where Rory is and what happened but nobody wanted to give me any informations since I wasn't family, but I tried convincing them that I am the father of the child she was carrying.

I was starting to get really annoyed by everyone trying to calm me down. Rory was fighting for her life. „Don't tell me to fucking calm down!!" I yelled furiously at the nurse. „I will sue the shit out of you if you don't tell me right away what is going on with my son!" In that moment I saw Jess Mariano walking out of a room, how convenient is that.

I walked up to him „What are you doing here?" I asked him, trying to find out what is going on. „I was driving her to get something to-" I though I couldn't get angrier, I took him by the collar and pushed him against the wall. „You did WHAT? You caused the accident? I will fucking kill you!" I yelled at him and everyone rushed over to us, trying to pull me away from him. I heard Lorelei's voice from a distance „What the hell is going on in here?" She said, followed by Luke, who separated me and Jess.

„Rory is in the OR because of him!" I informed Lorelei, who probably already suspected what is going on with the two of us. I could see Luke running his hand through his hair in frustration, pulling Jess aside, trying to talk to him. Lorelei placed a hand on my shoulder and tried sitting down with me. „You know going all Jackie Chan on Jess won't help the situation" She said in a soft voice, trying to calm me down, but I don't think anything could. I was so scared for her and our baby. How could this happen? Why wasn't I there? I was supposed to protect her! We were just heading in a good direction, why did this have to happen? I was tired and devastated, I looked at Lorelei and tried my hardest to be brave and calm „I need more time Lorelei, I need more time with her." I said and she nodded „Trust me, I'm as mad as you are right now, but Rory will be fine. I'll try to find out more." I nodded and she stood up, tapping me on the shoulder and making her way to the nearest nurse to help her find her way to Rory's doctor.

The good thing is that this moron Jess was out of my sight, otherwise I swear I would remove his head and use It as a keychain. I was pacing back and forth, messaged Honor and Finn, confirming to them that I will notify them if I need anything and that I will let them know as soon as I find out what is happening. I wasn't this scared in a long time, I was sweating the whole time and my heart was pumping like crazy. I needed some information. Just as I was about to call Paris for help I saw Lorelei walking up to me, looking rather worried, this cannot be good.

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