Part 2/ Exes (1st POV Emma's)

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  (First of all thank you for reading and keeping up with my story. Don't forget to vote for each part and add it to your Reading list! You give me positive energy by just seeing your names in the notification❤️ and comment about your reactions, expectations, opinions, and anything you would like to say❤️ lots of love💘)


        Oh God this can't be happening to me, I literally just said I want to start a good day. Should I take a deep breath? Oh no, It wasn't a good idea. Once I did that I saw that wet blanket,Micheal. Maybe ignore him and run to my makeup artist, Felix. Wow, so now he is coming after me. Literally guys, I don't know what to do except that I should keep calm. Imagine being chased by the person who hurts you the most.

        And yes, Micheal is my first ex boyfriend and actually the last. He made me for a good period of time don't wanna be in a commitment after him and I broke up. We were your high school favorite couples. We always chose what made us the happiest. We had promises, we promised that we will challenge the whole world together! He always used to hold my hands giving me the warm feelings and tell me that I am his only girl and he believed in my dreams. I felt so safe and loved with him. He promised not to put me in such a bad situation one day, break my heart, and make me cry. Although I cried more than once, but the other promises were still unbroken in-front of me. We traveled together and discovered things together. What hits me sometimes that there's memories everywhere.

          Maybe most of you wonder, why we didn't get married after all of that age? My brother didn't accept Micheal as a husband for me. He didn't want me to face the exact past as a daughter, sister, and above that a wife. He told me that to let him go several times, every time I cried on his shoulders, and every time I spoke about how unsure I am to live the rest of my life with this retard. My brother was so clear when he said to me that Micheal didn't deserve me and isn't the right one.

         I still didn't give you the full answer yet. But besides my fear from marriage and especially with Micheal and my brother's disagreement is that every-time me and Micheal would talk seriously about marriage, he acts like it's a weird idea. He keeps telling me that he panics and fears from just the word "responsibilities" and how we both will be unsuccessful in our careers. He told me all of that while holding my hands. He was so smart, he lied to me while giving me the feeling of love and making me worried about him not even about me then him. Loving a selfish person and a hypocrite was the hardest part of this relationship.

        What you don't know that also we broke up when we were 30 for the longest period. We broke up for whole 3 years. The reason behind that was I knew he was hitting on my ex bestfriend, Randa and he tried to abuse me sexually, I slapped him right away at this moment and blocked him everywhere.  He claimed that he was drunk and but,he said that I deserved that even if he was not after I told him I knew everything  about him hitting on Randa. He acted like I was oppressive and unjust with him, he was like how dare you to think about me and Randa like that? What was funny that he told me to go to my brother to help me with the trust issues im suffering from, as my brother is a psychotherapist. What I found out later, was that Randa told me he was hitting on her as part or their plan  to make him and I break up.

        We got back together after he told to me that all of that were mistrust and and totally unrealistic thoughts I had about him. He also said that Randa is the last person in the whole world that he would ever think about in that kind of way.  As a dumb woman, I did believe him , gave him a second chance and insisted to forget that he told me 3 years ago that I deserved to be abused sexually. I keep telling myself, Emma why did accept to let go what he did? You never deserved that and you know that so well, as I said to myself.

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