Part 4/ Imposible To Fully Overcome.

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(First of all thank you for reading and keeping up with my story. Don't forget to vote for each part and add it to your Reading list! You give me positive energy by just seeing your names in the notification❤️ and comment about your reactions, expectations, opinions, and anything you would like to say❤️ lots of love💘)


You can easily overcome anything more than being humiliated especially like how Emma was. Every woman is vulnerable to this situations. Just because she is weaker, in strength, and obviously she can't rape him. Long years ago white women didn't have their basic human rights. Imagine even how black women were exposed to. As blacks they faced slavery, humiliation, discrimination, and the most  brutal ways to be killed, add the word woman next to black, mercilessly she was just there to give birth to baby slaves for the whites. Imagine someone is throwing you in a cage like animals to have sex , to get you pregnant, and above that to take your babies and humiliate them even more. Also the white masters, used to rape their slaves, black women. Women suffered and still suffering to gain all her rights equally. Nothing in life perfect and you won't have everything you want, but what is important to call for your wants, if not you will never do a single thing you like or with love.

I need to remake my point clear about feminists. Being a feminist is not about being complicated at all from men, or women that had bad experiences with men so they judge every man else. First of all, a feminist can be a man, think about it how can he hate the same sex? Feminists don't hate men. Feminists love equality and peace. Feminists are not complicated at all. Please if a woman says that she hates all men or against all of them don't call her a feminist. Also to make another point clear, me as a muslim, there is somethings in my religion doesn't make the woman equal with the man, but all about financial heritation , money, responsibilities, and other things away from her dignity and her rights. Actually, this 'somethings' isn't against men or especially women at all, but it it in her advantage because God knows better what she needs more and less, as the man does too. God created us women and men, yes both of us are different physically and we think differently but both of us deserve the same rights, human rights. What is being complicated is to accept for a human being to be humiliated, segregated, and abused in anyway and to be against who call for the right peaceful path.

I got out of the story for a while, I just wanted to give these important notes to enlighten, to be clear, and to avoid misunderstandings. Simply treat others how you want to be treated.

The next day,

Emma opened her eyes and tried to recognize where she was. She saw her mom crying, Carla, and Jackson holding her hands. She recognized that she was in her room at her mother's house. Then her step father entered the her room, he got them food. They all just started just to hug her and give her support.

"Everything is going to be okay, We're all gonna go with you through this." said jackson worried.

After a lot of talks to her from them about how they are going to support her, they love her, how she is not guilty, and feeling sorry for her. She was just silent with watery eyes. But rage filled her heart as every word they said reminded her more of what happened the previous day.

"Get out all of you. Get the hell out. I never wanna talk about anything again in my life. Leave me alone! Everyone is a liar." shouted Emma. "Nothing happened to me so shut up. I am okay but just leave me alone. I am okay." she continued trembling and crying.

"Emma, sweetheart I'm not leaving you alone, you are not okay honey. Please let me stay beside you." her mom said shedding tears.

" Can you leave me? I just told you I am okay. What is wrong for a human being to spend sometime alone. I wanna die. She didn't deserve that and I didn't deserve that." She cried.

As the doctor came into  the bedroom Jackson took his mom and left Carla with Emma.

"Please don't take it from her as an offend, its normal for her to deny  what  happened to her, she may go through many stages of depression until she accepts her new situation and coexists with it. She obviously is still shocked." he said to her.

" If he is not dead, I'm killing him myself. I don't care. My daughter is totally destroyed." she sobbed.

"Don't worry mom, I will make sure he took his death sentence, the case is already on the safe zone to us. I called my lawyer just tempted me." he said putting his hand on her shoulder.

After the doctor and Carla got out, the doctor told them to keep up with the medicine time. They thanked him and payed him and he told them that he is coming over at that day's night.

Because of Emma's popularity as a famous model, the case went viral and everyone talked about it. Everyone hated Micheal and his cloth brand was closed and was totally boycotted. Randa's case was the saddest of all, her fans wanted to get her revenge and felt so sorry for her. Emma's case was the craziest everyone also felt so sorry for her, most of her fans went to the house to tell her they support her, to stay strong, and how much they love her. Everyone on social media supported Emma, wished Randa to rest in peace, and cursed Micheal. But, Emma was offline the whole time and stopped her career too.

After sending her breakfast upstairs to eat in the morning as everyday. Her mother went upstairs to get the dishes from her and tell her how much she loves her.

"Emma, my sweetheart are you done?" said her mother opening the bedroom's door. She couldn't believe her eyes !!

" Emma where are you!!!!!!??!!" she screamed.

Emma went missing!!!!!


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