Gate of the Scorpion

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"Do you think I can trust Joshua with my secret?" I ask.

"Well who is he going to tell? I think you can trust him, I'm good at judging people. He seems honest." Laurel states.

"Okay thanks. I'll show him tonight after the tutor session." I say.

"You mean date?" Laurel snickers.

"NO IT'S NOT A DATE!" I yell my face heating up fast. Then I realize every in the theater heard me and I blush even more. Thankfully the bell rang and Laurel and I hurried to science. We sat down in seat next to each other and Mrs. Jones walked in. 

"Okay class quiet down." She says. Everyone quieted down immediately. "Today we are going to dissect frogs! "

"Ew." the whole class said at the same time.

"You will be working with partners so find one while I get your frogs. Oh wait!" She says as she heads to the back of the room and goes into the closet. She pulls out a bunch of white lab coats. "You'll need these." She says as she hands them out to us.

"I don't it's possible to fit all of those lab coats in there." I say to Laurel as I pull my lab coat on.

"My brother says he heard a lot of rumors that said she was magic, but he said none of them were true." Laurel explains as she adjusted her lab coat in the front. Then Mrs. Jones came to us with our tray.

She spent a longer time standing in front of us than anyone else. At first I thought she froze, but then she continued back up her desk.

Halfway through the class Laurel had to leave to the bathroom because she could not hold in her lunch any longer. She came back ten minutes later, her face slightly pale.

"Are you going to be okay?" I said as we continue. She nods her head. Not talking probably helped her stomach. Laurel and I were very thankful for the class to be over.


"... and that's how you solve -6t=-24." Joshua finishes.

"That makes more sense than when Mr. Jason explained it." I said.

"That's good. I think we've done enough for today." Joshua says as he starts collecting his papers.

"There's something I want to show you." I say excitedly as I help collect the papers.

"Okay." He says. We put away our papers and I grab my keys out of my backpack and I stick my phone in my pocket. Then I grabbed a pencil and my notebook. We walk past the cemetery in silence. Then we get to the spot on the sidewalk where we start to head into the woods. We get to the ribbon and then we turn heading directly for the clearing.

"Wow." Joshua said when we got there.

"This isn't even what I wanted to show you." I laughed. I pulled out Scorpio's key and told Joshua to stand back. I got into my stance.

"Open gate of the Scorpion." I chant. The key started to glow and a man with half of his hair red and the other half was white. He had a big scorpion tail too. I look at Joshua and it looked as if his dream came true. I turn back to Scorpio.

"Hello Scorpio. Want to start a contract with me?" I ask holding out my hand to him. He takes my hand and shakes it.

"Of course. I am free Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday." I write it down.

"I must go, I have a date." Then he was gone.

"That was cool." Joshua said.

"Yeah we should head back now." I say. It was quiet the whole way back. When we got back there was a unfamiliar car in the driveway along with mom's car. "Who's that?" I ask aloud.

"That's my mom's car, but I didn't text her yet." Joshua says confused. We walked into the house and Mrs. Jones was talking to my mom in the living room. Mrs. Jones and a little girl I didn't know was sitting on the couch. Mom was sitting on a chair from the dining room.

Mrs. Jones wasn't wearing her lab coat and goggles any more. Instead she was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a black tank top. The little girl next to her had short straight black hair. She was wearing a pink summer dress that went to her knees.

"Hello, Raven and Joshua." Mrs. Jones said smiling.

"Why don't you two each get a chair from the dining room." mom said kindly. We each got a chair we sat down in the living room.

"Whats going on?" I asked confused.

"Well I know about your magic." Mrs. Jones said.

"What!? How?!" I exclaimed.

"Well in science class today I was giving you and Laurel your frog and I could feel your magic energy. So I decided to investigate more. I came here and talked to you mother." Mrs. Jones clarified. "I have magic too. Mine is requip magic. Joshua has Runes magic, and his sister Elizabeth," she gestured to the small girl next to her, "is learning take over magic." How did I not notice it before! Mrs. Jones, Joshua, and Elizabeth all had magic energy coming off them. "If you ever want to train with us you can as long as it's okay with your mother." Mrs. Jones said politely.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jones!" I say.

"You can call me Coral, except for in school." Coral says.

"Thank you."

"Oh I almost forgot." She says as she makes a stamp appear in her hand, "How would you like to join our three person guild?"

"Oh yes please! What is it called?" I exclaim.

"Fairy Tail." She says smile.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim basically fangirling.

"What color?" She asks. I think for a second before replying.

"Pink." I say pointing at the spot between my elbow and shoulder on my right arm. She pushed the stamp onto my arm gently. She pulls it away and I see the Fairy Tail insignia. "Thank you!" I exclaim giving her a huge hug. She hugged me back. We separate after a bit and she looks at me.

"You can't tell anybody about our magic, okay?" She says sternly.

"Oh, I already told Laurel about my magic." I say.

"That's okay but don't tell her about us." She says gesturing to Joshua, Elizabeth, and herself.

"Okay, I won't." I say.

"Thank you."

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