Training Session

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Finally it's Friday! I happily walked to the table Laurel waited at.

"You've been in a good mood today." She observed.

"It's Friday. Of course I'm happy." I lied. In truth I was excited to start training. Joshua comes and sits next to me. "Is there anything I need for this afternoon?" I ask him.

"No, except for pencils like usual." He said. We decided to use that as a code word for my keys so no one knows we are going to be training.

"What are you guys doing this afternoon?" Laurel asks suspiciously.

"I need extra tutoring." I continue to lie.

"Oh." She said. We sit in an awkward silence for a bit, eating our lunch. "So... hows tutoring going?" Laurel asks trying to start a conversation.

"I know I just started, but they really help a lot. At the beginning of this week I got a paper back in algebra and it had a two. I got another paper back yesterday in and it had a three." I say proud of myself. "Oh, and in history I know why someone is chosen to be put on a dollar bill!"

"That's great and concerning that you didn' already know that." Laurel says.

"Hey! They didn't teach it!" I say fake punching her in the arm.

"Yeah they did. You just weren't paying attention!" Laurel said laughing hysterically. As soon as she calmed down she turned to me. "Why have you been wearing that bandana on you arm since Tuesday?"

"First of all I trying out a new look. Second I have also worn a blue one. Third I've also worn a black buff." I say.

"Oh well it just seems like your hiding something." She says suspiciously.

"Why would I be hiding something?" I ask surprisingly calm. Inside my heart was beating a hundred miles an hour.

"I don't know you reasons... yet." She says leaning in  close to my face, creeping me out. "But I will find out." A creepy aura surrounds her and I gulp nervously. Then she leans back and immediately brightens up, and the creepy aura vanishes. She's a good friend, but sometimes she can be as scary as Ezra. I know how Natsu and Gray feels.


I climb onto the bus behind Joshua and into the noisy atmosphere. Thankful I didn't see any bullies on the bus. We go to the back and Joshua slides into the window seat. I slide in next to him, blushing at our closeness.

"What kind of training are we doing?" I ask quietly as to not be over heard.

"We are going to do physical training today. I set up runes around the backyard so no one can see us and so we can't damage anything off the property." Joshua explains.

"That's cool!" I exclaim. "Who is going to practice with us?"

"Only mom. Lizzy is at a friend's house." Joshua says.

"Who?" I ask confused by who Lizzy is.

"Oh Lizzy is short for Elizabeth." He explained.

"Oh. What about your dad?" I ask. His once happy expression fell.

"Well, my dad left mom when I was really young shortly after Lizzy was born. He left because he found out that mom had magic and he didn't like it." He explained.

"Oh. I sorry! I didn't know!" I exclaim.

"It's fine! I was too young to know him!" Joshua exclaimed flustered, "But don't talk him around mom." An awkward silence consumed us. Thankfully the ride wasn't too long. We arrived at a blue house with a black roof. "Mom won't be home for a bit she has to finish some stuff at school."

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