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JAMELL MAURICE DEMONS, just being only 16 years old, was feared by most in his small town. Not just because his father owned majority of it, but because his other personality, Melvin. Now Melvin was who the people mostly feared. At any moment Melvin was liable to lash out on anyone, hurting them horribly, or killing them even. Due to this, they tried their absolute best to keep him happy, which left Melly confused when he awoke from an unexpected nap to find himself alone in his room. To his annoyance, it was still ruined from an earlier tantrum.

"M-ma!" he called. He bit his lip and tucked a dread behind his ear as he waited. He yelled for her once more before slowly rising from his burgundy chaise and onto his feet. He stepped over shards of glass and wood from a broken mirror and a few dressers, and out of his room which fell into a bare and empty hall. He checked all six of their large home's bedrooms before eventually wondering into the kitchen to pour himself his own glass of water.

"What are you doing?" An elderly female voice suddenly asked. Although he recognized the voice as their family's only maid, Vera, he still jumped, obviously startled.

"Ma-making wa-water," he answered quietly. She chuckled a little and sat herself on one of their four bar stools and swung herself to face him.

"Do you remember what happened earlier?" Melly sighed, not wanting to know.

"I did so-something ba-bad?" She nodded and placed her chubby hands in the lap of her uniform.

"Your parents are getting sick of replacing everything Melvin destroys. In fact, they're getting tired of living in fear of their own son." Tears began to well into Melly's eyes as his mind raced and unwanted thoughts began to cloud his head.

"They've even taken a little break and ordered me one, too. It's that bad. And unless you want to be alone for the rest of your life, running your father's businesses alone, you've got to keep Melvin under control."

Melly sniffled as he took in all she was saying. "I-It's ha-hard."

"I know, baby, and that's why you're not gonna be doing it alone."

"I'm n-not?"

"Nope," Vera grinned widely. "I've hired my grandson, Tyquian. He'll get you straightened out for sure. And if he doesn't, which I highly doubt, your parents will have no other choice but to send you to a mental hospital."

Melly wiped his eyes and jumped to his feet to hug the older woman when he abruptly dropped his head and brought it back up with a mischievious smile.

"Don't nobody want yo ugly ass grandson hea'! And y'all can leave all y'all want, 'cause I can take care o' myself!"

Vera jumped to her feet and immediately ran her hand across Melly's face. Shocked, he dropped to the floor, holding his face.

"Whatcho fuckin' mouth when you talkin' bout my grandbaby, yahear!"

More tears fell down Melly's face as he tried to stammer out, "Th-that w-was Mel-vin." Vera obviously didn't care at the moment. She huffed and stuck her nose in the air, told him Tyquian would be there any minute, and left, making sure to slam the door.

"Wh-why'd you say dat bout h-her gra-grandson?"

First off, why the fuck she in errybody business?

Melly opened his mouth to answer, but the sound of someone lightly tapping their knuckles on the door interrupted him. Melly waited to see Vera's heavyset form wobble to the door, but once he remembered they were all gone and he'd have to answer it himself, he got to his feet and swung the door open.

He was met with a darkskin dressed in a blue Champion shirt, ripped white jeans, and black socks half hidden behind blue Champion slides that looked only a bit older than him. He opened his mouth and Melly nearly had to shield his eyes from white his teeth were.

"May I come in?" Melly hazily nodded and stepped back for the beautiful boy to walk in. He observed the place as if it were his own and set his bags down by his feet before turning his attention to Melly. "Y'all got a nice house." Melly nodded, but said nothing.

"Close the door foh all the air conditioning get out." Melly shrugged and rolled his eyes, but slammed the door shut and folded his arms over his chest.

"M-my dad can just buy so-some more...du-dummy." Tyquian's face fell into that of confussion and he sighed. "Y'all rich kids bout slow as hell. You can't buy air. You can buy an air conditioner, but not cool air."

"B-but can you even 'f-ford i-it?" Melly asked with a smirk and a cocked brow.

"Shawty, don't try me 'cause everything I got, I bought myself. Wit a luh sumn' called hard work. Youn know nun' bout dat, baby." Tyquian's grin fell into a serious expression and he held his hands out. "C'mere." Melly rolled his eyes and walked right past Tyquian as if he didn't hear his request.

"You got a luh attitude problem, donchu, lil' boy?"

Melly continued into one of the spare rooms. "Ye-yeah, bu-but ain't no-nobody gon' check me 'bout i-it."

"Nawl, das where you wrong. Not only am I gon check yo luh cute self, Ima fix it too. Watch."

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