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Melly was awaken by strong arms and an even stronger cologne scent. His eyes fluttered open yo find Kentrell's light brown eyes staring back into his.

"Wh-what a-are you d-doin'?" Kentrell casted a small smile at the adorable boy.

"Well, I gotta getchu ready foh dat party."

He lowered Melly into a perfectly warm bath filled with bubbles.

With a wide smile, Melly began splashing in the water. Then a thought ran across his mind....

"Wh-why're you d-doing th-this?"

Kentrell he stared down at the little boy. "I gotta getchu ready for the party, baby."


The crowds just grew larger and larger. So many scents had filled Kentrell's large house and it gave Melly a headache. The constant blaring trap music with extra bass didn't help at all either.

"Aye, Ima go get drinks!" Kentrell yelled over all the noise. Melly nodded to show he heard him and stood in the swarm of bodies awkwardly. All at once, he felt someone press against him and he immediately flew around to come face to face with an unknown lightskin. He had curly hair and green braces that he annoyingly flashed every few seconds.

"Say, mamas, you kinda fine," he said with his eyes barely open.


"Got a nigga," Tyquian suddenly spoke. Tyquian pulled Melly into his chest, but Melly pushed himself off, thinking of Kentrell.

"A nigga who ain't chu," Kentrell snapped from behind him. Melly found himself being pulled into Kentrell's arms, which he gladly accepted. His cologne seemed to seep into Melly's nose, instantly relaxing him.

"Don't seem like it witchu lettin' niggas like him talkin' to him!" Tyquian yelled.

"Niggas like you tryna talk to him, too! Dusty, crusty, rusty ass bitch!" Kentrell shouted back.

"Ken-Kentrell," Melly whined, but his voice was drowned in their continuous yelling.

"You needa stay away from him foh I pop a cap in yo ass, crip!"

"Yo slimey ass needa leave him alone cuz alls you doin' is curruptin' him!"

Kentrell's arms fell from around Melly and he pushed him aside to buck at Tyquian who was yanking his pants up.

"Wusgud den!"

Melly felt the itch of tears brimming his eyes. Not wanting to be seen crying, he ran into one of Kentrell's back rooms and flung himself on the floor after slamming and locking the door. He didn't want them two fighting over him. Usually, one would feel flattered, but he just wanted peace for once. If it wasn't one thing, it was always a damn nother.

"Hey, you okay there?" Melly gasped, scanning the dark for the source of the sound.

"Y-yeah," he struggled to answer as a dark figure immersed from the corner of the room.

"Them two stress you out, huh?" Melly shrugged to this, not wanting to start anymore drama.

"I know how you feel," they whispered as they took a seat next to him. Melly could smell their alcoholic breath and feel their body leaning against him.

"I-I got t-to go," Melly rushed as he stood to his feet. The figure mimicked his motions and eventually blocked the door.

"We was havin' a good time. Why you tryna leave?" The figure groaned as he placed his hands on Melly's shoulder. Melly shrugged him off and backed away.

"Pl-please, I g-gotta-"

Melly was abruptly cut off when the figure tackled him onto the bed and forced a clothe over his nose.

Melly kicked and screamed best he could, but no one could possibly hear him over the chanting of the ridiculous loud crowd.

His heart raced and palms sweated as he realized what could happen to him in this room with this monster. Fear, something he'd only genuinely felt once, struck him like a brick and he began to panick.

"S-Stop!" he tried to scream but his voice was swallowed away when the sadist forced a long, dreadful kiss.

His body fell to the stranger and his mind to the sudden darkness....

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