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Tyquian refused to believe that he, a straight nigga, could ever fall in love. Especially not with a little brat like Melly. But if that was so, why did his heart leap at the mention of the tiny boy's name? Why did he yearn to wrap the boy in his arms and shield him from all evil? And why did he crave his touch?

He sighed as he gripped the steering wheel tighter. He needed to prove to himself that he was straight. And that he felt nothing for the boy. He was just there to fix his attitude. Either way, he'd still need to get the boy to wake up, especially before his parents started thinking he couldn't do his job.

Tyquian's mind fluttered to his Mrs. Demons earlier conversation and how the phone call abruptly ended. He wondered if those gun shots were directed at them, or perhaps they were fireworks?

Tyquian shook the thoughts from his mind and calmed himself as he pulled into The Demons' four car garage.

He took Melly into his arms once again and cursed aloud as he realized he still had no clue as to how to wake him.

"Always remember this: Aurora's prince awoke her from her spell. So did Snow White's. If you're truly his prince, you can too."

Or perhaps he did. Ty rushed Melly inside and laid him in his bed. Ty leaned into press his lips against Melly's, but pulled back. He was forgetting something.

"No homo." He smashed his lips against Melly's and waited for him to open his eyes and start Mellying again.

Ty waited there for two minutes before trying again. Maybe he didn't kiss him long enough. Or maybe it took time. Ty stood back and stared at the sleeping, vulnerable boy. His body was limp and unmoving, despite the slow rise and fall of his chest. His dreaded hair was lazily framing his peaceful face. The pajamas that he had never pulled himself out of were hitched and contorted to show off his gorgeous chocolaty skin.

Without even realizing he was doing it, Ty ran his hand along Melly's flat stomach and to up to his neck where he gave a little squeeze. He hitched his breath and leaned down so that his lips could graze Melly's.

Nasty thoughts began clouding his mind, and before he knew it, he had a hard on.

Ty pulled away from Melly and exited the room, feeling disgusted with himself.

He was straight. And on top of that he listened to some old lady telling him to kiss him to wake him up. Ty was officially out of it. That boy had actually driven him insane.

Ty pulled out his phone and began calling a girl's name he'd forgotten.

"Aye, you remember when you said tuh hit yo line when I get bored asumn?"

"Yeah?" she answered, trying to hide her excitement.

"Well c'mere 'cause I'm is bored nai."

"Bettt. Soon as school out, I gotchu."


"Sorry I took forev-"

Ty cut her off with a gentle, but needing kiss. She kissed back and smiled against his mouth.

"Someone's needy," she giggled as she slowly dropped her knees. "But don't worry. I'll fix it."

𝕀𝕄ℙ𝔼ℝ𝔽𝔼ℂ𝕋  𝔽𝕃𝕆𝕎𝔼ℝ   || ʏɴᴡQᴜᴀɴᴅᴏ|| 𝓫𝓻𝓪𝔃𝔃𝔂𝓫𝓻𝓪𝓽Where stories live. Discover now