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Melly's whole body was sore, especially his butt and legs. He had a raging headache and was extremely sore. The lingering smell of scentless bleach stung his nostrils. An annoying and constant beeping sound filled his ears as his eyes gradually opened only to be stabbed shut by unnecessarily bright fluorescent lights.

Once finally adjusted, Melly reopened his eyes to find he was in a hospital bed strapped down and covered in bruises.

"I-I w-wanna le-leave," he hoarsely called out. A person appeared at the foot of his bed. He recognized this person to be Tyquian.

"I'm so sorry, Jamell. I never meant for this t-to happen." He broke into tears as his eyebrows drew together and he began to cry loudly.

"So-something like that don't deserve to people like you," he wept through hideous, gut-wrenching sobs.

"Wha-what happened?"

The door suddenly opened and Kentrell entered with chocolates, flowers, and a huge "Get-Well" card.

"You don't know what happened?" Tyquian gasped in shock. "You don't remember?"

Melly shook his head, but winced due to his throat and neck hurting.

"You was at the party and this-"

"This guy accidentally pushed you out a window," Kentrell chimed in.

Tyquian wiped his tears and shot him a glare.

"A-are you ly-lyin'?" Kentrell quickly shook his head and laid the gifts on the nearby table.

"The doctors said you gotta eat shit like applesauce doe. And," his face distorted into that of disgust as he finished his sentence, "yogurt."

"Wha-what's wrong wi-with yo-yogurt," Melly tried to stammer with a grin, hoping to lighten the atmosphere.

They offered a quick smile, but sadness found their faces again. Melly couldn't help but feel like they were leaving something out.

A knock on the door seemed to only worsen the mood. When an officer peeked his head in, everyone stiffened, preparing for the worst.

Little did they know, the worst news was yet to come.

"I'd like for you three to come to the station as soon as possible. We have a lead." He shut the door and left, but the chilling sensation stayed.

"Le-lead for wh-what?"

They completely ignored this and instead looked to each other with worried glances.

"I'm bussin' caps in whoever it is and airin' they momma house out!" Kentrell growled angrily. He stood to his full height and clenched and unclenched his fist.

"Sit yo ass down, nigga! Damn!"


A week had passed before Melly was able to walk normally again, and as soon as Tyquian realized this, the three of them went to the station.

They were immediately pushed into a room with two detectives.

Papers were thrown across the metal table and scattered for everyone to see. They were screenshots of messages. Messages from Kentrell to unknown number and vice versa. Messages that seemed too unreal and horrible for each of them to grasp. Messages that pointed out Kentrell to be a following culprit.

"Kentrell Gaulden, you are under arrest for participation in sexual assault," one of the officers calmly stated as they began to walk towards him with cuffs.

"No! No! That ain't me!" He began backing away, his body trembling, his lips quivering. His eyes found Melly's wide, horrfied one.

"Ian do it! I swea'!" Melly distanced himself from Kentrell. He pushed himself into the furthest corner in the room, feeling himself getting out of control.

Tyquian, on the other hand, launched himself at Kentrell, throwing punch after punch, threat after threat.

"I ain't do it. I ain't do it," was all he murmured even as they pulled Tyquian off him and forced him into the cuffs. They easily tugged him out the room with him muttering that same phrase over and over again.

Tyquian pulled Melly into his arms and they walked like that all the way to his car. Melly sat in his lap on the way home. Both of them were silent the whole ride. Neither of them had anything to say at all. It was as if shock had taken over their mouths, taken over their whole bodies.

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