Life - 07

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It makes him happy.

He is happy when he sees me. This fills my being with a warm feeling. As we see each other more and more often, I long for the time that I would see him again, the next day.

He makes me happy. I no longer feel alone or empty the way I had for all those years. His dark figure gave me peace when he walked beside me, and as the days grew by, I longed to set foot on land again, and to be held in his arms.

He was a beautiful being, not quite noticeable upon first glance. Upon first glance, you'd see a dark shape. I hadn't noticed how beautiful his eyes were when I first met him. They were like galaxies trapped within, and I found it mesmerizing. He could not fly, nor could he swim. The water dissolved pieces of him, and he was too heavy for air.

I was so caught up in spending time with Death that I did not realize when I began to feel a slight tug on me. It was ignorable at first, but then, it felt as if someone was attempting to pull a piece of me. When I had been ripping, the pieces of me that were getting ripped off died instantly.

However, this was different. This felt entirely different, and it began to bother me. I approached Death, with my concern.

"Seems your creations have begun to attempt creating you instead." He commented after his observations. "They are trying to tug pieces of you out and put it in to their own creations."

"But that's not possible... Is it...?"

It was. And soon, I was being stolen from again.

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