If All Else Fails (Part One)

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Cisco's POV:
Caitlin's been acting pretty strange for the last few weeks. Anytime anyone ask her what's wrong she gets very defensive and lies and says nothings wrong. She and Barry have to be the worlds worst liars. Somethings definitely bothering her and I'm determined to help her through it. So I've gathered eberyone at STAR Labs so we can come up with a plan to help our friend.

Cisco: So its no secret that Caitlin's been a little... What's the word I'm looking for?...

Iris: Off...

Barry: On edge...

Wally: Secretive...

Jessie: Cranky...

Barry: Defensive...

Iris: Take your pick

Cisco: Okay. She's been all those things and more. How do we help her?

Jessie: We can't help her if she won't talk to us.

Iris: Yea. She's not a exactly approachable these days.

Cisco: I mean she's bad, but not approachable that's a bit of a stretch.

Iris: Cisco I said hi to her yesterday and she damn near chewed my head off. I mean if words and looks could kill I swear I would be dead and six feet under right now.

Wally: I hate to say it Cisco, but Caitlin's out of control.

Jessie: And that thing with her eyes.

Barry: I know. What the hell is that?

Cisco: (confused) What thing with her eyes, what're you talking about?

Iris: Every time she verbally attacks her eyes seem to turn a light creepy color almost cold... Ice cold.

Jessie: You can't tell me you haven't noticed.

Cisco: I haven't.

Iris: Consider yourself lucky because that's one hell if a painful look.

Wally: Why don't you just vibe her?

Cisco: I tried.

Iris: And?

Jessie: And she almost broke his damn arm. I think her words were "try and vibe me again and I'll break every bone in your body. Got it Francisco?"

Cisco: Yea don't want that to happen again.

Barry: Well we have to do something before she gets worse than she already is.

Wally: Intervention.

Jessie: That could work.

Barry: We can do at our place.

Iris: No...

Barry: (confused) No?

Iris: If we ask her to come we run the risk of her catching on and not showing up. Or we run the risk of her showing up and leaving once she realize what we're up to.

Wally: So how do we do this?

Cisco: We could just pop up at her house unannounced.

Iris: We run the risk of her not letting us in and if she does we run the risk of her kicking us out when she realize what we're up to.

Cisco: So how do we go about this then?

Iris: (jokingly) Do it here. Lock her in the pipeline until she agrees to talk to us.

Barry: That's a good idea.

Cisco: Yea.

Jessie: Let's do it.

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