Stop Hurting Each Other

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Barry's POV:
I just got off the phone with my girlfriend Becky. She called to confirm that we're still on this afternoon for our date. Becky and I have been dating for five months and it's been okay I guess. I don't really like her, but having a girlfriend is better than having no girlfriend. Right?

Today is her seventeenth birthday and I'm taking her to the new amusement park and tonight we're going out to dinner. I got her a pair of earrings. Their nothing special, but I guess they'll do.

I decide what I'm wearing for both the amusement park and dinner then I go downstairs. Joe has already left for his double shift at work and Iris is sitting on the couch flipping through a magazine. I walk over and join her the couch.

Barry: (giddy) Good morning.

Iris: (annoyed/attitude) Yup.

Barry: (confused) Ooookay... So I have five hours before I have to get ready to take Becky out for her birthday. You wanna have a movie marathon or play games until then?

Iris: (annoyed/attitude) Nope.

She's obviously mad about something. Is she mad at me though? Only one way to find out.

Barry: (worried) Iris did I do something, are you mad at me?


She throws the magazine on the coffee table and runs upstairs to her room slamming the door behind her. I'm left on the couch wondering what the hell just happened. Iris has never yelled at me like that before.


*Five hours later*

Iris hasn't said a word to me since she blew up at me this morning. I've been trying so hard since then to fugure out why she's mad at me, but I can't think of anything. I decide to try and talk to her one more time before I get ready for my date. I go to her room and knock, but get no answer. I go downstairs and she has the car keys getting ready to leave.

Barry: (confused) What are you doing?

Iris: (annoyed/attitude) Leaving Sherlock. What the hell does it look like?

Barry: (panicked) But I need the car. I have a date with Becky.

Iris: (annoyed/attitude) Well you should've thought about that before you scheduled your little date on the day it was my turn with the car.

Damn she's right. It's her day with the car. I meant to ask her to switch days with me.

Barry: Okay. Can we please switch days? I take the car today and you take it tomorrow.

Iris: (annoyed/attitude) Nope.

Barry: (whining) Pleeeease Iris. Today is her birthday. Pleeeease can we switch days? I'll do anything.

Iris: (annoyed/attitude) Anything?

Barry: Anything. You name it.

Iris: (annoyed/attitude) Will you never speak to me again?

Wow. I wasn't expecting her to say that.

Barry: (confused) Of course not. Why the hell would I never speak to you again? That's crazy.

Iris: (annoyed/attitude) Then I guess you don't want the car.

Barry: (annoyed) Come on Iris. You're being petty. Asking me to never speak to you again is just stupid and petty.

Iris: (annoyed/attitude) Maybe, but it's still my day with the car and you're still not getting it. Bye Bartholomew.

She walks out the door letting it slam behind her. About a minute later I hear her pull out of the driveway. I quickly run upstairs and call Becky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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