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[ Dedicated to sharmaheer . Technincally, it's still the same day 😂 ]

A loud groan escapes Zayn's lips as he slowly gains consciousness. His head is aching, his torso is aching, and his left arm is burning like it has been set in flames.

"Zayn? Zayn? Oh God, wake up!" he hears Claire say. He tries to focus on her voice instead of the pain, but it's easier said than done. He groans again, trying to grab something; anything. And he squeezes Claire's hand tightly as soon as he finds it.

His eyes are still squeezed shut, but he tries opening them, and that single act makes another wave of pain ripple through his body.

"Cl-Claire?" he mumbles feebly, finally opening his eyes. He blinks them, when he feels sunlight streaming on his face "How long was I out?"

"A few hours." Claire says quietly, and Zayn sees her holding back tears "I got home yesterday night around ten and saw Davis beating you — an unconscious you. I tried restraining him but h-he hit me instead." Claire starts crying, and Zayn tenses, finally noticing the terrible bruise on the side of her face.

"That fucker." Zayn growls, ignoring his aching body.

"It's not his fault. It's mine." Claire sobs "I should not have left you alone like that! Seeing you pale and purple and bloodied! It-It was gruesome, Zayn! It was torture!"

Zayn bites his lip. "I am okay now." he says awkwardly. Claire rarely cries so he has absolutely no idea what to do to calm her down "It wasn't your fault anyways. I... You would not have... known it would have happened."

Claire nods and gets up from where she was sitting. She starts clearing all the first aid and putting them away.

"13 years, approx, and we are still not used to it." Claire laughs bitterly and shakes her head. "Harry called. He was worried about you."

Zayn wants to smile at that, but he suppresses it until Claire leaves. He grabs his phones and sees about 17 texts from him, all ranging from 'are you okay?' to 'what happened?' to 'please tell me I have not done anything. If so, I am sorry'.

Zayn immediately calls Harry. Harry picks up, at once.

"Zayn? Hold on for a second."

Zayn waits and hears Harry asking to be excused for be doesn't feel well. And when Harry mumbles a quiet 'hello', Zayn says with a small laugh, "You were in class again, weren't you?"

Harry giggles slightly, and Zayn swears it's the sweetest sound he has ever heard. "Yeah. I was. But that's not the point, Zayn. I have been worried sick about you since yesterday! What the fuck happened?! You sounded so scared!"

Zayn sighs, "It was nothing ... I just.. I wasn't feeling well. I thought I was going to throw up."

"Uh huh, okay." Harry says, clearly not convinved "I get it. You don't want to tell me. And it's completely okay. There are things which I haven't told anyone either. But can I ask you one thing? Are you okay? Are you REALLY okay?"

"Yeah, of course. Why would you ask that?" Zayn laughs nervously, and tries shifting a bit, which isn't the best idea because immediately pain shoots through his left side, especially his arm, and he hisses out in pain.

"Why would I ask that." Harry states it, not like a question "Because that, my dear, doesn't sound like you're okay. And your sister, Claire, told me you fell down the stairs and hurt yourself pretty badly."

"Uhhhh," Zayn doesn't know what to say "Yeah, thhaaatt. I didn't really want to worry you. So, I didn't say anything."

There is a pause, before Harry speaks, "She was lying."

"Uh, what?"

"She was lying." Harry repeats "You are hurt, but not by falling down from the stairs. It's something else."

Okay, so this conversation has officially entered into an unwanted and uncomfortable territory.

"I... I really have to go."

"Did I offend you? I am sorry, I didn't mean to."

"No, it's not you, it's me." he takes in a deep breath "You are right. I am hurt. And I think I should really take a look at my wounds." he half-lies.


"Yeah? I'll... I'll calk you later?"




But none of them hangs up.

"Harry? You there?"

Harry giggles, "Actually, I am. I think I should go? Bye."

"Yeah, bye."

And Zayn hangs up with a smile on his face.

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