Part 2 : P R O L O G U E

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It has been six months since Claire's death and not much has changed

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It has been six months since Claire's death and not much has changed. But still, a lot. Harry is a senior now, the 'Logan incident' left far behind — something that he is very proud of — and he and Adena are still best friends.

Speaking of her, Liam and her are dating now.

And Niall and Louis are dancing around the feelings they have for each other, which, to be honest, has grown from a silly little crush to something deeper and more beautiful.

And Zayn?

Harry hasn't heard from him for the past four months. After Claire's death, he changed. The night of the funeral, when Harry had called him, there was a distinct shift in his voice, which he failed to really notice back then, he realises now.

Their calls went from an 'everyday affair' to 'once in a week' to none. And Harry saw right through all the 'I am busy' lies.

All it took was six months for whatever friendship they had, to crumble.

"Excuse me," Harry approaches a salesgirl "Can you please tell me where the yogurt is? I can't seem to find it."

The salesgirl immediately gives him the directions with a warm smile, which Harry immediately returns. He double checks if he has all the items his mother has told him to buy, when he bumps into someone.

And when he raises his gaze to apologize he is met with someone with black hair tied in a little ponytail and a beard, and the same chocolate eyes; someone so familiar, he stuns.

"Oh. Hey, Harry."


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