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They were having fun. No worries, no cares. Zayn had not been this happy for so long that he feels like he would explode if he laughs any harder, or his cheeks will start hurting if he smiles any bigger.

But then, Ms Grace calls him with a very serious expression on her face, and he starts worrying id he has done something wrong.

By the time he return after talking to Ms Grace, Harry has been waiting for him, wearing the same troubled expression as him.

"Are you in trouble?" Harry asks, once Zayn reaches him.

Zayn shakes his head. "No, it's not that." he says, and leans against the wall beside Harry "Ms Grace was asking me whether I would like to sell my paintings. You see, there has been a lot of demand of my paintings. So, Ms Grace was wondering if..."

"Well, you won't, right?"

Zayn bites his lip, because he is thinking of actually doing this.  It's not because he wants to. No. These paintings of his are way too personal to him. He can't just hand one of his paintings over to some stranger who is fascinated by it's beauty and doesn't really understand it's true meaning, or how much it really means to Zayn.


Zayn shrugs. "I don't want to. But the money I could get for them... It would be nice."

"But you don't want to." Harry points out.

Zayn looks down, and releases his breath slowly. "Yeah... I don't."

"Do what your heart wants, Z." Harry says, and he really does sound very wise to Zayn.

But Zayn is so confused right now. On one hand, he could earn some money which would help him and Claire a lot. But on the other hand, he would have to sell a piece of his soul to someone who probably doesn't really care about his paintings. He groans. He is torn.

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