Now go and dance (part 1)

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Arriving at the park that served as the venue for the wedding only widened the smile on my face, if it were possible for me to smile wider than I had been before. It had turned out beautiful; tents had been set up with tables for the guests, as well as the space to dance. Candelabras sat on each table and servers were rushing around to light them all just as we arrived. The lilies Lara had selected seemed to glow in the sunlight of the late afternoon, making it obvious that they had been the superior choice over roses. And, without a doubt, the off-white tablecloths that Gustave had laboured over choosing tied everything together; his efforts paid off, most definitely.

I stepped out of the carriage I had shared with Marguerite and Philippe as the parents of the bride and groom, offering my hand to the Comtesse as she stepped out after me. "Well, Philippe, we are officially in-laws now," I said as the Comte stepped out and let his wife take his arm. "I never thought I would say that concerning a Chagny, but I never thought I would be calling one my daughter-in-law, so I continue to be shocked."

"Yes, I would think so," Philippe replied with a laugh. "But still, I don't think we're going to turn into those in-laws that despise each other, even with your history with my family. Right? We seem to have become rather good friends over the years, at least to me."

"Yes, I would call us friends as well. I don't believe we'll turn into bitter in-laws now that we know each other as we do," I said. "You two can go ahead to our table. I'll meet you there."

Philippe gave me a nod and walked into the tent with the head table to sit down with his wife, leaving me to wait outside and greet guests as they arrived. Really, I was looking out for Nadir, but with him being the best man, I wasn't surprised that he hadn't arrived yet; he would have been needed to sign the marriage certificate and other documentation. In the end, though, I didn't need to wait for too long, as the carriages with the bridal party arrived shortly and Nadir stepped out with Adele on his arm, smiling all the while. I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I watched him wrangle the younger groomsmen before making his way towards the tent, giving me a smile as he and Adele walked up. "I'm impressed that you manage to control those three lunatics. When they're set on making mischief, they do it well," I remarked.

"Yes, well, years as the Persian chief of police, as well as dealing with you, gave him plenty of practice," Adele said with a laugh.

"Indeed. You prepared me well, Erik," Nadir said, rolling his eyes as he turned to Adele and gave her a smile. "It never ends."

"No, it certainly doesn't, but you are the one who stuck around with him, dear," Adele replied, smiling back at him.

I couldn't help but smile along with them when I heard the term of endearment she had used to refer to my friend. Every interaction between the two of them that I was a witness to only made it more clear that Nadir had almost needed Adele in his life; having friends like myself or Maddie and Charles was one thing, but having the companionship of a woman that he cared about was completely different. I had always wished he would find someone to connect with in that way again, someone to ignite the same joy he had felt when Rookheya was alive, and it seemed that Adele was that very person for him. The warm smile on his face said it all.

"It was a lovely ceremony, wasn't it?" I said as the three of us made our way towards our respective seats. "Gustave didn't pass out from nerves, which was a major relief."

"Yes, definitely. I had it in the back of my mind to be ready to catch him if the need arose," Nadir chuckled. "But he did well, and Lara looked beautiful."

"She was wearing the same necklace that you gave Christine all those years ago, was she not?" Adele asked. I could tell she was approaching the subject very carefully, well aware that it was a sore point in our relationship. Even still, as sensitive as the topic was, it had been years and she wasn't the one I had to be angry with for the events of that night; there was no cause for hesitation.

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