You will be blessed

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I was sitting at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other, only to be startled slightly when my wife scurried into the kitchen and pressed a rather firm kiss to my cheek. "Adele? Where are you rushing off to?" I asked as I turned to watch her zip around the kitchen to grab an apple, which would presumably serve as her breakfast.

"I have a class to teach and I'm late to the studio!" she replied as she hurried back over to me, set her apple on the table and held my cheeks in her hands before giving me a kiss. "I will see you later, my dear; I'll pick up our groceries on the way home."

"Adele, darling, it-" I tried to say.

"Don't worry about trying to do the shopping, I promise I can handle it," Adele said with a nod.

"But Adele-"

"No, Nadir, really, I will manage on-"

Groaning quietly in my slight frustration, I stood up and pulled her into a kiss to cut her off mid-sentence, smiling through it slightly when I felt her noticeably relax. "I know you can handle it, love," I said softly as we pulled apart. "I'm only trying to save you the extra stress and remind you that it's Saturday and you don't have any classes today."

I watched as she took a moment to process what I had said and couldn't help but laugh when she wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my chest. "I can't believe I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off and I don't even have anywhere to go," she mumbled with a quiet laugh.

"You've been very busy as of late and you enjoy your work; you only wanted to ensure you were on time," I replied, only to add, "Even if there was nothing to be on time for."

Adele sighed as she pulled away from my arms and ran her fingers through her hair, which had been left unbraided for once; she had started leaving it draped down over her shoulders lately, knowing how fond I was of it. "I suppose so," she said with a sigh. "I'll still need to go out now and do our shopping, class or not."

"Don't you want to eat breakfast before you go?"

"No, no, I'll be fine; I have my apple to eat. Besides, if I go now, I can beat the afternoon rush and be home with plenty of time to spend with you."

I smiled, already thinking of how we could spend our afternoon to get her to enjoy the summer day. "I look forward to that," I said with a nod. "I will see you later on, then."

She nodded, giving me a smile and tipping her head up to meet me for a kiss. "I love you," she said softly.

"And I love you more, always and forever," I replied, using the newfound phrase we had taken to saying to each other.

With another smile and another kiss, Adele stepped out of the kitchen and left the house shortly thereafter, leaving me on my own to go about my day. Setting a record on to play, I set to work on cleaning the kitchen so I could have the rest of the morning to myself. Not much time had passed - perhaps the span of about three songs on the record - when a knock on the door interrupted my cleaning endeavours, and I opened it to find Gustave on the front step.

"Good morning, Gustave. What brings you by?" I asked as I shot him a smile, only to frown and glance over his shoulder. "And without Lara on top of that."

"I wanted to talk to you, Uncle Nadir. It's a bit of a...sensitive, private topic, which is why Lara isn't here," Gustave sighed. "That's also why it was easier for me to come to you instead of Papa. You know how he is."

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