A gift

19 1 0

MAY 1922


It had been a few days since Christine's arrival, which had given Lara time to rest and to start navigating her duties as a new mother. I had made an effort to visit as much as possible, quickly learning to forego wearing suit jackets because they would just be spit up on at one point or another and changing more diapers than I ever had in my life. Nevertheless, I fell more and more in love with my granddaughter with every moment that I spent with her, although she seemed to have that effect on everyone.

Once Lara was back on her feet, Jane was able to throw the baby shower that she had been planning for a few months. I hadn't been invited explicitly, but I had a gift to give the new parents anyhow, so I figured I would join them and help where I could.

Adele and Nadir had joined me to go over to Gustave and Lara's home before the party, and Jane was the one to open the door and greet us, her son, William, in her arms.

"Hello, you three. Thank you all for coming over; your help is much appreciated," she said with a warm smile.

"Of course. We're happy to," I said, taking William from her when he reached out to me. "And hello to you too, young man."

"Hi," William replied, quickly starting to fiddle with the buttons of my shirt. "I get to stay for the party."

"You do? Well, that will be very nice. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun," I said as I slipped off my shoes and stepped into the sitting room, smiling when I found it decorated with streamers and flowers. "And your Mama has made the house look so beautiful, hasn't she?"

William nodded, gesturing to one particular streamer string low on the bookshelf. "I did that one."

"And it looks very nice. The best of them all, I must say."

"Thank you," William said with a giggle. "Papa doesn't get to come."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that the boy seemed amused by his father's exclusion. "I'm sure he'll find something to keep him busy at home," I said, turning my head and smiling when Gustave came downstairs with Christine cradled in his arms. "Well, looks who's here, William. Shall we go say hello to Christine?"

"Yes! I see baby," William said eagerly, clapping his little hands together as he expressed his opinion quite clearly, whether his grammar was proper or not.

"Alright, alright," I replied as I walked over to my son and pressed a kiss to his temple. "Hello to you too, Gustave."

"Yes, hello. I'm still getting used to being chopped liver when my daughter is around," he said with a chuckle, smiling at William as he gazed intently at the baby. "You like her, don't you, bud?"

William nodded, finally peeling his eyes away from Christine to look up at her father. "I hold her, Uncle Gustave?"

Gustave smiled and turned to Jane, who nodded from where she stood in the kitchen doorway. "Of course. As long as Uncle Erik helps," he replied, kissing William's round little cheek.

A delighted squeal was the boy's response as I took a seat on the sofa, then folded my arms under his so Gustave could let him hold the baby.

"Be very gentle and quiet, alright?" I said as my son gently set Christine in William's waiting arms. "She's a delicate little girl, we have to be very careful."

"Okay," he replied, his voice noticeably softer than before as he looked down at Christine, his blue eyes meeting hers. "Hi baby."

"I'm sure she'll be saying hello back to you in no time," Gustave said with a smile as he knelt down in front of us. "But look at her; she hasn't taken her eyes off you, Will. I'll bet that means she loves you."

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