Chapter Nineteen.

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I'm sorry... I promise I will try to update faster. 

Red Moon and Blue Moon Pack were all in Shinning Moon Pack, trying to figure out how it was possible the Alpha Rouge had taken Future Alpha Pater, the borders were full with guards and somehow, Alpha Rouge had managed to enter the territory and kidnap the Future Alpha.

"Where are the guards?" Raphaella questioned as she entered the meeting room. "I want to know in detail exactly how they think it happened."

Alpha Pater growled. "Don't come here pretending to be the best!"

Raphaella rolled her eyes. "You listen to me Alpha Pater." She started. "I am the Queen to all the werewolves, and I am the only that can help your son, so if I were you, I would stop being a sexiest pig and let me help you."

Alpha Pater sighed. "I'll call the Fighter." Raphaella rolled her eyes. "He is the one in charge of the patrol." Raphaella shrugged. "He already interviewed the wolves."

"You don't have to explain why you breathe." Raphaella sighed. "Just, show me some respect. I was going to be your Fighter after all." Alpha Donovan nodded and mind linked his new appointed Fighter.

"Alphas." Ryan bowed as he entered the room. "Future Alpha and Luna Raphaella." Raphaella nodded in acknowledgment. "The guards were knocked out dead, we are still unsure as to what was used to do so, and there was also no scent to be followed, neither Future Alpha Riley, nor the so called Alpha Rouge."

"What is he using?" Questioned Theo as he tried to understand the situation.

"Were the guards examined by Martha?" Raphaella questioned and Ryan nodded. "I want to see those results, in the mean time, we need to prepare a plan of attack. We already know where is base is, we just need to attack."

"This wouldn't have happened is you had killed him!" Roared Alpha Pater, causing everyone to growl at him.

"Your Luna," Spat Raphaella. "Was the one who saved him, so don't come almighty here and try to put this on me. I am merely helping you, given the fact that you aren't strong enough to get rid of your own brother." Raphaella's fangs were already growing. "I suggest that you keep your stupid comments to yourself if you truly want the help from Red Moon and Blue Moon Pack, you know damn well that I have a say in both of them."

Alpha Pater gulped and nodded, he needed her help to find his son and to finally defeat his brother. Inhaling Theo's scent, Raphaella sat down with her father and Alpha Donovan and Future Alpha Theo Donovan, ready to read medical files and figure out a way to get into the territory of Alpha Rouge. Never ignoring the fact that he was getting help from The Black Wolf.


Future Alpha Riley started hearing a heated discussion, and slowly he started to make sense of where he was. The last thing that he remembered was being inside his room, reading over a new fighting plan his father wanted to implement.

As he checked his surroundings and tried to smell where he was, he realized that one of the voices shouting was his mother. Focusing on hearing the conversation, and took in a deep breath and decided to prepare for the worst, which he knew he was in.

"You kidnapped my child!" Shouted Ex-Luna Ana Pater. "How could you? Why would you do that?"

"Yours?" Chucked evilly the other voice. "Ours darling, OURS!" He roared. "That is my son! I simply brought him back!"

"You're a monster!" Shouted his mother. "You only want him so that you can mate him with Raphaella and get those stupid freaks you want!"

Gulping, Riley knew that he had to find a way to escape, he wasn't going to let Alpha Rouge dictate whom he was going to mate, he was waiting for his real mate, just like it was supposed to be. He was never going to be his father, from the stories he heard from Raphe, he knew that the man was crazy and he only wanted power, and he was not going to help him get it. 

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