Chapter Fourteen.

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I'm sorry for the extreme delay... I have no excuse whatsoever, I do wish to upload a new chapter every two weeks. Also I would like to know how much you enjoy this story. Thank you.


Alpha Rouge was shaking with rage, how was it possible? How could his own brother betray him, in such a way? His own mate was living with his brother; his brother had raised his pup! This was unacceptable! Could his brother not smell him on his mate?

He wanted a meeting with his brother, only to realize that his mate and pup are living with his own bother. Betrayal in every single way, this meant war. Another war, not that it meant anything, because he was sure he could win, and then it could help him win the other.

            "How many wolves do we have ready?" He questioned the Fighter.

            "Half." He replied. "The other half are being prepped up." The Alpha Rouge nodded. "They will be ready for tomorrow."

            "I need them ready first thing." He demanded. "I want the best to stay back, winning isn't necessary in this war."

            "Then exactly what are we trying to get?" The Rouge Fighter questioned.

            "Revenge." The Alpha Rouge smirked. "And if possible, kidnap the Luna and Future Alpha."


Raphaella stared at her old Pack as she entered their territory. She used to be their Fighter, and now, now she was the Future Luna of Red Moon Pack and Future Alpha of Blue Moon Pack, meaning that everyone had to respect her even more now.

She was here to get them to ally with them for the future war, and also to let them know that Alpha Rouge was going to get revenge on them. Theo was walking right beside her, and their parents right behind them. This was something that Theo and Raphaella would handle, given the fact that Raphaella knew this Pack better than anyone in here.

            "Raphaella!" Riley shouted as he ran to hug her, only to cause Theo's growl. "Sorry," He chuckled. "I never thought that I was going to see you again. You haven't been to school."

            Raphaella rolled her eyes. "I have far more important things to do, than lose time in school, when I have already finished high school." She spoke. "I need a meeting with Alpha and Luna Pater, Beta Phares, and whoever is now appointed as Fighter."

            Riley nodded, he could sense that this was something serious. "They are already in a meeting." He replied. "You know where the office is, I already told him that you are on your way with your mate and family." Raphaella nodded, and grabbed Theo's hand before walking towards the Alpha's office.

With the most serious expression, Raphaella entered the office as she owns the place, staring at the people on the room, she wasn't happy with Alpha Pater and neither with Luna Pater, but she wasn't going to let a Pack where she lived be destroyed because of the same person that destroyed her life.

            "Alpha and Luna Pater." Raphaella started. "You're about to enter a war."

            "Excuse me?" Alpha Pater replied. "Why would I enter a war?"

            Raphaella smirked. "Your "mate" haven't told you her real story right?" Luna Pater visibly flinched. "Let me tell you a story. It isn't a fairy tale, but man it should be in books." Everyone turned to face her. "You do know that I was taken away from my very own pack when I was barely a pup, my family was betrayed by their very own Fighter." Alpha Pater frowned. "Their Fighter, also the sister of the Luna, gave me up to her mate, Alpha Rouge, whom simply wanted my blood to become the most powerful Alpha and rule the whole Wolf Kingdom, putting an end to the prophecy."

            "Turns out, that the Fighter got pregnant from the Alpha Rouge and she couldn't live with the thought of something like that happening to her pup, so she ran away, leaving her mate and the stolen pup behind. She stumbled to a pack, where she found the brother of her mate and as she knew that his real mate hadn't appear, she faked the bond, adding the fact that she was pregnant by him." Luna Pater was slowly turning white, knowing that all her secrets were about to be exposed. "Then, five years later, the stolen pup stumbled into the pack, causing the new Luna plans to fall down. The nightmares she had came back, because she knew that the pup was going to remember her someday, and sadly that day has come." Raphe smirked. "So Luna Pater, you are not allowed to set foot on Blue Moon Pack for treason, and neither in Red Moon Pack."

            Alpha Pater was confused. "What are you talking about?" He turned to face his Luna. "What is she talking about?"

            Raphaella smirked. "I'm talking about the betrayal of your so-called Luna has done." Theo grabbed her hand; he could sense the anger coming out of her. "If you don't believe me Alpha Pater, Alpha Rouge is planning on attacking your Pack in order to claim back his son and mate."

            Alpha Pater stared at Luna Pater. "How do you know that Raphaella?" He demanded. "How on earth do you know everything!" He roared, causing Alpha Damon, Alpha Donovan and Theo to stand ready to attack.

            "Calm down!" Raphaella shouted, causing everyone to obey her. "I am here to tell you that you have a war coming at you because of that woman you want to call mate! You know that she isn't your mate! And she is the one that is bringing a war at your pack!" Raphe barked, showing off her fangs. "She was the sister of my own mother and she betrayed everyone for her stupid mate! HE is back and wants to kill me in order to prevent the prophecy! CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT EVERYTHING LUNA PATER HAS EVER SPOKEN ARE LIES!"

By the time Raphaella finished her rant, and Alpha Pater finally understood, Alpha Rouge was merely centimeters away from the border, the war was about to start, and there was nothing that could be done.

            "If you want Alpha Pater." Raphaella sighed. "We can help you protect your pack and son, if you ally with us in another war."

            Alpha Pater stared at his son, and "mate". "Just my son. You only need to protect him."

Luna Pater stared at him. "You are going to let your brother take me?" She sobbed. Alpha Pater paid her no mind. "He's a monster!"

            "You're no better than him." He spoke clearly. "You are no longer a Luna in this Pack, nor welcomed." And with that he turned away.

Raphaella turned and nodded at her mate and father, they had to help this pack. They had to end Alpha Rouge.

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