Chapter Thirteen.

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I am forever sorry! I don't really have an excuse, just that I was finishing up with University, and working so I didn't have enough time. But I am back, and I promise that I will try to update sooner. 

Chapter Thirteen

Raphaella let out a sigh, as she walked over to the outside lounge. Even when she was the one who told them about the interrogation method, they hadn't let her join. Something about the rules and only Alpha's and Beta's being allowed, none of that made sense. So instead of making sure that the questioning was being held correctly, she was sitting on the backyard, having a cup of tea with both Luna Donovan and Luna Damon.

"I know that you think it is unfair." Luna Donovan started. "But you have to understand them Raphaella." Raphaella barely glanced at her; she wasn't in the mood to deal with her. "It is to protect you."

"I can perfectly take care of myself." Raphe spoke. "I've been taking care of myself since forever." She spat. "I don't need a male to protect me."

Luna Damon sighed softly. "We know that honey, and they know that too," She stood to comfort Raphaella. "But you have to understand that Alpha's are very protective of their own, hence the reason neither will let you near an enemy."

Raphaella scoffed. "They need to have me there," She argued. "I can make him talk, I can gather all the information they need!" She shouted, her fangs coming out.

Raphe! Theo shouted on their link. Is everything all right?


What's wrong, are you in danger, Raphaella what is going on! I can only sense anger coming from you.

I hate being kept in the dark Theo! Raphaella shouted. You're not going to be able to get any information out of him.

Raphe, calm down. Theo sighed. I'm on my way to collect you, the prisoner has been asking for you.

Raphaella gasped, causing both Luna's to stare at her. She never thought that the Beta was going to ask for her, it's been years since she had ran from them. She had to be careful, because he might want to provoke the Alpha's and that would be a disaster.

"What happened Raphe?" Luna Damon questioned as she stared at her daughter.

"The Beta is asking for me." Raphaella replied. "I knew that he wasn't going to talk with anyone unless I am present, he must have sensed me."

"Theo is coming." Luna Donovan spoke. "Is he coming to get you?"

"Yes." Raphe replied. "We'll get to the bottom of this."


Raphaella was trying to calm her wolf down; it was stupid for her to be mad at Theo, when it wasn't his fault. He wanted to help her, but the problem now were the Alpha's, neither wanted her close to the Beta, giving the fact that he once tortured her alongside Alpha Rouge.

Tying up her hair, Raphaella entered the basement in which they kept the prisoners locked up before they decided what to do with them. Even when the Alpha's didn't want her near, they both knew that it was necessary in order to get the information they need.

"Listen well Raphaella." Alpha Damon spoke. "We just need to know the plan Alpha Rouge has, nothing else."

"I know." Raphaella barked back. "You don't need to remind me. Do you really think that I want to be all-talkative with one of the persons that kept me on an attic starving?"

Theo growled. "Stop bothering Raphaella." He ordered. "She knows what she has to do."

Raphaella felt proud that her mate trusted her that much. Since the beginning she had just planned asking the right questions, she wasn't going to let him get into her mind, they no longer controlled her, and no one was going to control her ever again.

Tying her hair up in a ponytail, she entered the basement, where the Beta Rouge was. The smell of blood didn't affect her, nor it never had, she was used to it, after all she was a Fighter.

"Hello Beta." Raphaella smirked. "How are you this fine day?"

"I've been better pup." The Beta replied. "Have they sent you to question me?"

"Aren't you a smart cookie?" She laughed, taunting him with the same words he used on her, so many years ago. "So, I'm guessing that Alpha Rouge already has a plan for my capturing right?"

The Beta smiled. "You know that he hasn't stopped looking for you since the minute you left." Raphaella nodded. "He was surprised when you ended up in his brothers pack, though he was more surprised when he never got a call from him."

Raphaella acted surprised. "His brother?" The Beta nodded. "I never thought that monster had family."

"Of course he has." The Beta smiled. "He also found out that his mate and pup are there as well." Raphaella frowned. "You didn't know?" The Beta laughed. "The only real reason as to why you managed to escape was because his mate helped you."

"That's absurd." Raphe claimed. "I escaped because I shifted when I was 5!" The Beta looked surprised. "You confused me with a stupid human dog." Raphaella sighed. "How is he planning to capture me?"

"Wouldn't you want to know?" The Beta smirked.

"His brother won't ally with him." Raphaella winked. "He has already allied with Blue Moon, and Red Moon, therefore your Alpha is dead meat before he even tries."

"That can't be!" The Beta shouted. "As we are talking Alpha Rouge is meeting with his brother in Shinning Moon Pack!" Raphaella smiled. "Why the hell are you smiling pup?"

"You don't know?" Raphaella chuckled. "His mate and pup are the wife and son of Alpha Pater, your Alpha's brother. If Alpha Rouge enters there and tries to steal Luna Pater, there will be war, and your dear Alpha will lose in a war that he is looking just because he wants to be powerful, and the minute that war starts, he will lose any chance of getting me."

"That can't be." The Beta growled. "They can't be with his brother!"

"Oh but they are." Raphe smiled. "Now, now Beta, calm down before you hurt yourself." She stood up. "I have one more question before I leave you. What does Alpha Rouge wants?"

"You." The Beta started. "He wants you back, so that he can drink your blood and become undefeatable."

"He can't draw blood out of me."

"He found a way." The Beta smirked before twisting his neck with his bare hands killing himself.

Raphaella stared at the wolf, shaking, she was furious. That could not be possible. There was no way that the Alpha Rouge had found a way to hurt her, it was impossible. It was right? 

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