Chapter Twenty-Three.

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I'm sorry for taking forever...

Theo sighed as he kept pacing back and forth, right outside the room where his mate was being helped. The minute he got to her, he started barking out orders to make sure to capture the rest of the wolves and put them inside cells, to help the ones that had been hurt, and gather those who had lost their lives. He hated this part, he hated waiting, but he had to do that in order to figure out how his mate was doing.

He knew that after this everything was going to become rather normal, no more worrying about someone trying to take away Raphaella. They now only had to worry about merging their two packs and become one strong nation. They had to introduce themselves in their respective packs and follow through the prophecy. It said that she was becoming Queen of the werewolves, meaning that he was becoming King alongside with her.

"Future Alpha Theo." A nurse came out of the room. "Future Luna Raphaella is asking for you."

He perked up and walked towards the room. "How is she?"

"She has no internal problems nor bleeding, she has no scratch on her," The nurse explained. "We believe she just needed to rest."

"Thank you," He spoke before entering the room. There, lying down on the bed in the middle of the room was his mate, a solemn look on her face, and a small smile appeared when he smelled him. "Hey." He whispered softly. "How are you?"

"Hey," She blushed. "Feeling better, but I think that I need you lying down with me so that I can heal faster."

"Heal?" Theo questioned as he lay down next to her. "I thought that you didn't have any injury."

"Physically I'll never have an injury," Raphaella sighed. "But the Moon Goddess made sure that all the pain that I couldn't take physical, would hurt me mentally." She explained with a shrug. "With you next to me, everything becomes more bearable."

"I understand." Theo smiled and kissed her temple. "I think we are going home today."

"I don't think." Raphaella laughed. " I know."


Everything was going back to the normalcy that it could be. They had defeated Alpha Rouge, which meant that no threat was going to appear in the near future, or at least that's what they thought.

Raphaella and Theo were strolling down the Red Moon Pack, getting to know their new members. They were talking strategy of how to merge the two packs, this was something big, but it had to be done. Red Moon Pack and Blue Moon Pack had to be merged into one strong Pack. The lands were not next to each other, but not that far away, it meant that they could gain the middle ground and both packs in all one together.

The middle ground was no claimed territory, for what they thought they could create an area of training for both packs. They couldn't right out claim it as their land and build homes, but they could make something that both packs needed.

They could build the official offices right there, alongside a small daycare, training building, a hospital, and a few houses. With that, they could have both packs together and lead them just like the prophecy claimed.

"What are you thinking?" Theo whispered as he hugged Raphe.

"How to merge without actually merging the packs." She replied. "We need them together but moving both packs from their land is going to be a difficult task, so I had an idea."

"And your idea is?" Theo smirked, knowing that whatever Raphaella had in mind, was the best of the best.

"Let's use this middle ground to create some sort of Center, for both packs, a place where they have to meet and work alongside." Theo nodded. "It's the only way I can think of merging the packs without moving them."

"Both Red and Blue Moon Pack will do what you say," Theo replied. "You are their Luna and Alpha, and you are the Queen of all werewolves." He kissed her temple. "And I will stand by you, in whatever you decide."

Both Theo and Raphe stared at the field in front of them, they had to start the changes as soon as possible if they wanted to merge the packs by the same time, they were going to accept their new positions. Looking back at each other, they knew what they had to do, call in a meeting with the Alphas, Betas, and Fighters, and state their initiative. No one was going to dare to say no to them.


Alpha and Luna Damon stared at Alpha and Luna Donovan as they listened to what Raphaella and Theo were saying. They knew that the packs were bound to be merged together, but deep down either waited for that decision to be taken in the long run.

"I know that you think it is a good idea Raphe," Alpha Damon started. "But you haven't been prepared to become a Luna of a Pack, you were training to become a Fighter."

Raphaella growled. "Excuse me," She spat. "I was training to be a Fighter," She mocked. "And yet I managed to discover who betrayed the Pack and sold me out and lead three Packs to defeat Alpha Rouge." Everyone gulped. "You are telling me that I am not able to lead a Pack?"

"Love," Theo placed his hand on his mate. "You need to calm down." Raphe started to growl. "She might have not been trained, but she is right, she led us to a victory, and even, she has me, I have been trained to become an Alpha my whole life."

"It's not like we are going to do it without your help." Raphaella rolled her eyes. "It's not like that we are taking the decision without consulting or right away."

"We are proposing an idea that could help us." Theo finished. "And we are asking you to see if it is viable, given that you know more than we do."

Luna Donovan smiled sweetly. "It is a good solution; we all know that you are going to have to merge the packs. The only thing that we have to do now, is to plan it correctly."

"She is right." Luna Damon agreed. "Shall we start?"

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