Its A Date?

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A/N: GUYS ITS BEEN TOO LONG! I'm so sorry! I hope y'all didn't forget about me! A lot as changed for me in the past couple weeks. We found out I have a heart condition that has to be constantly monitored so I've been in and out of the hospital and I turned 18 on Monday and graduated from high school on Tuesday! Life is getting crazy for me and Emma Jane! Let me know what you guys think about this chapter in the comments! Summer is here so get ready for a lot of updates!

Question: Do you ship Emma Jane and Jace?


You stupid FRICKEN prude! What were you thinking! What the hell have you gotten us into! Helloooo!

Okay, okay, okay, maybe I wasn't thinking when I did that, the way he's eyeing me right now is making my stomach erupt with nerves.

"I love the word, you know, anything, what delicious possibilities that word entails." He whispers as we finally get to the limo. His driver pops out and I see him take in the situation he sees before him. Something in his eyes signifies a secret message he was trying to send to Jace. He is shorter in height compared to Jace by a couple inches and bigger in the waist. His hair is mostly gone besides the patches on the side of his head but his smile is warm and welcoming.

"Mr. Luck, how are you doing tonight?" The chirpy, chubby, chauffeur asked. From the way he speaks I can tell Jace and him are very close.

"Well Frank, I'm doing amazing! This is EJ, a friend of the family and a friend of mine. How about you, how's the hair?" Jace smiles, and that comment earns a chuckle from Frank.

"Hello EJ, this is the first time Jace has ever been in the company of a pretty girl around me, they grow up so fast, right." Frank kind of reminds me of the "Italian gangsta" personality trope you see in shows like The Jersey Shore. His accent doesn't help either. It's clear that he must have grown up in Queens or the Bronx because the way he speaks and carries himself screams New Yorker.

"Frankie, Frankie, ouch that hurts. I bring pretty girls around all the time!" Jace clutched his chest in mock pain.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't listen to him EJ, kids a loner. This is the first date he's gone on in a while. Well anyway, where too?" Frankie directs the question to me but I dont have an answer for that.


Why hasn't Jace stepped in and clarified that this isn't a date? Should I say something? Wait, maybe Frankie was just joking, he can't possibly think we are on a date. Jace takes my hand and rubs his thumb over the front.

Why hasn't Jace corrected his driver? It's not like you're going to you coward!

"It's a surprise!" Jace is like a little kid, his excitement is through the roof. He squeezes my hand a little tighter.

"Aw, has he gone and planned a little surprise for the two of you! EJ you lucky girl, Jace is quite the catch." Frankie motions to come around to the other side of the limo to Jace and he basically skips.

Watching Jace lean down and whisper between smiles makes me feel much more intense about him. He's so sociable and he's never awkward, he can jump into any conversation and is adored by every person he comes in contact with.

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