Chapter 3

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"Hey, I was kidding. I don't think Becca would wanna have anything to do with him" I tried to calm Sam down but he kept shaking his head, tears in his eyes. Petting the Baby's small head softly, he was completely zoomed out. Almost like he was watching a movie. I didn't interrupt him cause I knew he wouldn't react.

After what seemed like minutes, he looked at me, with incredible sadness and fear "It's Campbell. Of course it's Campbell. Eden looks exactly like him when he was a baby" he signed and explained.
"Yeah, but don't you think all babys look kind of alike?" I asked him, not really sure if he was right. He signed no, and pulled out his phone. After scrolling for a few minutes, he showed me a picture of two approximately 3 months old baby boys laying on the floor. One would have to be Sam, cause he was redheaded. The other baby - Campbell, I was assuming - looked directly into the camera. And it was true. He looked exactly like Eden.

"That could be Eden for sure", I said cause I didn't really know how to react. Sure, I was definitely more sensitive and considerate than my football friends. But comforting another boy was new to me. In previous fights Sam had always comforted me.
When I looked down, Sam was bawling. Rivers and rivers of tears were streaming down his freckled face. "Hey," I whispered and put one hand on his cheek and the other on his hip. He was hyperventilating, and even though I understood that your psychopath brother being the father of your best friends baby wasn't the best thing ever, I was still surprised at how intense his reaction was.
"I can't believe he would do this to others. I wanted to believe he has some good in him" he cried, gesturing wildly.
"Do what?" I asked. Sleep with a girl that Sam clearly valued and loved?
Sam looked up to me. "Rape Becca."

Sam shook his head, stepping away from me and my touch. He continued: "Do you really think Campbell is Becca's type? Absolutely not. I think I know when it happened. God I can't believe this!"
I felt so sorry for Sam that he was hurting, but I couldn't really quite put the pieces together. "Talk to me, Baby. Let me understand", I asked him.
So he explained.

On Campbells and Sam's 17th birthday, they had had a huge party. In an attempt to bring the twins closer together, their parents had decided that they would have to celebrate together. Campbell invited a lot of people, the members of the wrestling team that he was a part of, classmates & so on. Sam only invited a few people, of course Becca as well as Gordie and Allie. After some time had passed, their parents went to sleep and someone magically drew a couple vodka bottles out their sleeve and the party went crazy. Around midnight, someone had the never before seen idea to play truth or dare.
Plot of story: Becca had to go into a room with Campbell for 10 minutes.

"....... I am absolutely sure that he raped her. In his eyes, that's the perfect opportunity. 10 Minutes alone in a room with a girl, loud music and no supervision. I know that he thought Becca was attractive, he'd asked me for her number several times before that. Gosh, I cannot believe I didn't notice.. "he explained, sometimes interrupted by sobs.

I grabbed his hand and he didn't take it away this time." This. Is not your fault. No one would expect their brother to take advantage of that kind of situation. Of course you wanna see the good in him. That does not make you a bad person. That makes you the best person", I whispered and tried to support my words with signs. Sam was still crying but he slowly seemed to calm down. " Come here", I opened my arms and he thankfully went into my hug. In the middle of our conversation we had almost forgotten Baby Eden. She started to cry, probably hungry or stinky. I started to pad her head. I was sad about the circumstances that her life had probably started in, but thankful to be here with Sam and her right now.

Thank you guys so much for reading and voting and everything. I know it's kind of an open end but what do you think is gonna happen, are they gonna confront Becca or even Campbell? Stay tuneeeeed for these next chapters. I would be very grateful for constructive feedback and comments. Have a good day ❤️

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