Chapter 7

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thank u sm for over a thousand reads I am so soffffft :')

Grizz P. o. V
The next day, I felt like things had calmed down a little bit. The past couple of days day had been crazy, even in comparison to the last few months.
Sam and I sort of getting together (even though we both weren't sure how official it was yet), finding out about Edens biological creator, homesickness.
But the next morning, things were good for a few moments.

When I woke up, I could hear Sams quiet breath beside me and the warm  sunshine of what would be a beautiful winter day on my face. The whole situation felt like a promise, - it will get better, there is hope. You have Sam, you still have beautiful mother earth. Or at least something similar to it.
Dozing, I just laid there for a couple more minutes, enjoying the quiet time.I tapped Sam's arm twice to see whether he was awake or not. He didn't react.
According to the clock on my night stand, it was already 7.15am and Sam was supposed to be in the cafeteria for breakfast preparation at 8.00am. To my surprise, Lexi and Campbell had sent out a group message last night that for a while they would continue the shared dining plan. I wonder how that aligned with their plan of "giving back", but I was thankful that for now we still rationed. It would take some time to grow enough vegetables and fruit to feed all of us.
I tapped him again, Sam twitched slightly and turned away from me. I smiled and rolled over, putting an arm around his waist. Still laying behind him, I lightly kissed him on the freckled cheek and then all over his head and hair. Afterwards I got out of bed and pulled his blanket away. He groaned and tried to get a hold of it, but too late.
"You should get up, love" I signed to him.

About twenty minutes later, me and Sam were sitting at the kitchen table, each of us having a cup of tea to get our day started. All of the sudden, the doorbell rang. I got up from the table to open the door. Who the heck could that be? It wasn't even breakfast time yet.
It was Elle. She looked rushed and scared - as usual, sadly. "Hey, can I come in? she asked, a forced, painful looking smile on her face." Uhhh,  yeah sure. Come in."

When Elle entered the kitchen, she nervously waved at Sam. Confused looking, he waved back and offered her a cup of tea. She denied and sat down on the chair my mum used to sit in. "Soooo.... What's up Elle?" Sam asked friendly. How could he be so loving and welcoming in a situation that was so akward to me. "Not much, doing good", she muttered and gave me and him a shy look. The ballerina shivered. "That's a lie. I am scared Campbell is gonna hurt Eden", she broke out.

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