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He couldn't sleep, but he stayed to comfort Midoriya and Bakugo. He only stared up at the ceiling.


Midoriya woke up to no Todoroki in the bed. He was a little confused, and checked all the rooms in the apartment. No Todoroki. He shook Bakugo awake and asked if he knew.

"No, I don't know where Shoto is. He should be here." Bakugo found a note on the fridge:

Good morning Midoriya and Bakugo. I won't be at school today. I have something to do.

"He left, but where to?" Midoriya wondered aloud.

"Beats me, but we have to get ready for school. We can't worry about him." Bakugo said bluntly.

"Alright. I'll look for him after school if he's not already home." Midoriya stated.


At school, everybody asked questions and surrounded Bakugo and Midoriya on their relationship. They asked questions like how long has it been going on, have they had sex, and other nonsense. Midoriya started to stutter and blush a cherry red all over his face.

"We're not answering your questions!" Bakugo yelled, flames coming out of his hands.

"As class representative I declare you stop harassing Midoriya and Bakugo." Iida stated boldly. Everybody started to quiet and sit back down.

"Thank you Iida." Midoriya said, relieved.

"Your welcome, Izuku." Iida said, saluting.


Midoriya went to look for Todoroki since he wasn't home. He started to look around the park, the corridor, and even the mall, but was nowhere. He checked one last place: the ice rink. Midoriya knew that Todoroki loves it there, and always practiced figure skating.

When he arrived, Todoroki was laying in the middle of the ice rink, wearing skinny jeans and his ice rink jacket.

"Todoroki!" Yelled Midoriya from the stadium. Todoroki opened his eyes and glanced over at Midoriya. Midoriya went over to the gate around the rink and stared at Todoroki.

"What are you doing?" Asked Midoriya.

Todoroki closed his eyes and answered his question.

"Isn't it peaceful? It reminds me of when my mom would take me here." Frost came out Todoroki's mouth as he exhaled.

"Yeah. Aren't you doing pairs skating this year?"

"Yeah, but I can't if I don't have a pair."

"I'll be your pair."

"You don't even know how to skate."

"You could teach me." Todoroki thought for a long moment. After breaking the silence, Todoroki said, "Alright. I guess I could."

Midoriya came to sit next to Todoroki, but he kept slipping and falling. Todoroki just laid there, not bothering to get up. Midoriya finally managed to scoot himself over to Todoroki, and sat there.

"It's beautiful." Todoroki whispered.

"Yeah. The air feels great." Midoriya said, taking in the scenery. He looked as if the coolness of the rink would take his breath away. Todoroki only lay on the ice, his breathing slowing.

"Todoroki? Can I ask you something?" Midoriya started to play with his hands.

"Yeah." Todoroki said, opening is eyes slowly. He looked tired.

Todoroki on IceWhere stories live. Discover now