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"Yes, Shoto. Just be careful you idiot." Bakugo said, glaring at Todoroki.


Today was the day. They awoke at 7A.M, preparing for the competition. He looked so elegant standing next to Midoriya. They all got in the car, and when they arrived, they saw all of Class 1-A sitting in their own section in the stadium. The crowd was loudly talking, but Todoroki heard Midoriya talking softly to him.

"Are you nervous?" Midoriya asked.

"Of course. What is I have a panic attack?" Todoroki questioned worriedly.

"I'll be here for you. Ours doesn't start until 7:30, so we should socialize with Class 1-A. Pep talking." Midoriya exclaimed.

They went over to talk, and they went wild when they came up to the class.

"I can't wait to see the act." Denki announced excitedly.

"Thanks you guys. It means a lot." Midoriya said. All of the acts were really good, but deep down Todoroki knew his would be the break for the judges. He smiled a wicked smile as the judges rated low scores for some of the performances. It was their turn, and Class 1-A went insane with clapping and cheering for them. They stood in the center of the rink, waiting for their time to shine.

They skated, slowly, hand in hand, around the rink. Glitter falling off of the corners of their cheekbones. Todoroki led Midoriya in, around, and slid him under his legs, Todoroki putting him up on his shoulders. They spun fast, playing their cards carefully. Todoroki put Midoriya above his head, hands out like an airplane, spinning fast, but slowing down. Then started the slow dancing, the roses magically appearing in their mouths, rose pedals falling along with soft snowflakes, their elegance matching the things falling gracefully. They looked each other in the eye, then Todoroki leaned in and kissed Midoriya, ending the graceful dancing across the rink. The crowd went wild, more than any other one of the contestants had. All of the judges were crying tears of joy, each holding up a bold 10, the highest score anyone had ever gotten in ice skating. Todoroki and Midoriya were crying tears of joys, proud of their performance. They went to shake hands with the judges, and they sat with Class 1-A. The class cheered for them, ruffling their hair and shaking them fiercely. They won the first place price, everyone still cheering on for Todoroki and Midoriya. The crowd went wild in tears of the amazement and beauty they showed.

They got up to leave, the class carrying Todoroki and Midoriya, tears streaming out of Todoroki. He was so happy at his accomplishment, and that he proved his father wrong.

In all of the excitement, Endeavor was standing in a dark corner, his arms folded, looking angry at Todoroki for disobeying his career. The class set them down and was startled by the eerie presence of Endeavor. He walked over and choked Todoroki, grabbing his neck and lifting him above the ground. Everyone stood back while Todoroki grabbed hold of his arm, tears and saliva running down his face. He started to shake at the action. He threw Todoroki to the other side of the room, Todoroki rolling and flipping, before finally landing on the ground. As he struggled to stand, Endeavor was already there, grabbing him by the shirt collar, Todoroki's head dangling back as he cried silently.

"I hate you, Shoto. I will make you see that." He smile a wicked smile, holding on tighter to Todoroki. He dragged him to the nearest wall and choked him, putting him up above the ground. Todoroki struggled for freedom, but blacked out cold. Endeavor dropped him, carelessly, as if he were a meal he didn't want to finish.

"Todoroki! Get up!" Midoriya shouted. Todoroki only lay silent, everyone praying for his survival.

"You don't know what this boy as done." Endeavor said aggressively.

Todoroki on IceWhere stories live. Discover now