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"You're alive. That's a start." The doctor said as Todoroki opened his narrow eyes slowly.

"Am I in..." Todoroki began, being cut off.

"Yes, you are in a mental hospital. Since you are alive I need to get you your medicine." The doctor said as he left, Todoroki sitting up. He examined his arm, a white gauze wrapped in thick sheets around his arms. He stared at the white, rubbing his eyes with the other arm.

"Alright, Shoto. Here's some medicine and some water." He said, passing it to Todoroki. He took the medicine without hesitation, swirling the water around in the paper cup.

"Why am I here?" Todoroki said in a stern voice.

"You were found passed out in the school bathroom and they noticed a pool of blood formed by your wrists." Then it hit him, the image of what happened.

Oh, yeah. I went to kill myself in the bathroom, but passed out.

"Do you need anything?" The doctor asked, standing by the door.

"No." Todoroki answered in a husky voice.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot, but someone is here to see you." He said, opening the door. It was Midoriya and Bakugo. The doctor left as the two walked in, sitting down in the chairs by the bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Midoriya asked, watching as Todoroki played with his hands.

"I'm fine."

"No you aren't!" Bakugo yelled.

"You're in pain and tried to die again!"

"I'm sorry." Todoroki said in a low voice. The two looked shocked at his remark. He started to play with the gauze, a loose piece of fabric tearing away. He started to pull it away, Midoriya grabbing his hand to stop him. They made eye contact, Midoriya seeing Todoroki's weakened eyes.

"I heard you could come home if...we watch you and you take your medicine." Midoriya whispered. Todoroki looked back at his wrapped wrists, wondering of the colors that lied underneath, or if he dared want to know.

"Hey, you are being released shortly." The doctor said, peeking into the room.

"How long have I been here for?" There was a dramatic silence.

"Two days." The doctor said calmly, Todoroki not making any expression show.

"All right. I'll let you know when you can leave." The doctor closed the door, leaving the three in the cold room.

"Todoroki, you need to stop. Please?" Midoriya pressured.

"I can't just do something and stop. I need to finish." He calmly spoke.

"Maybe this is the one thing that you can't finish."

"Maybe..." Todoroki spoke after the loud silence.


"A group of people are here for you, Todoroki." The doctor said, Midoriya and Bakugo helping Todoroki get up and get dressed. They walked down the dark corridor, before being blinded by the sunlight. After his eyes adjusted, he saw all of class 1-A standing there, smiles on their faces. Todoroki's emotions never changed as he stood in front of the class. They all hugged around him, then left to go to an empty parking lot.


When they arrived, they got out and sat down on the cold ground, gazing off into the setting sun. Todoroki went back to playing with the bandages, unwrapping them. His eyes widened as he stared off at what looked like messy cat scratches. He looked up, noticing every member staring at him. He blushed and turned his wrists around so they wouldn't see, but he was pretty sure they did. He sighed, his mind a fuzzy feeling. He stepped back into the car, watching the others as they stared back. They talked for a little and got in, Bakugo driving him home.

Todoroki on IceWhere stories live. Discover now